Saturday, September 30, 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream saw us return to Cyberpunk 2077 as we started up the Phantom Liberty content. Its story certainly opens with a bang, having to go to the new Dogtown area, which is compact. The President and Songbird characters are kind of interested, plus the secondary characters like Jacob and Taylor seem like they might be comic relief Some of the new elements like stealing cars is kind of fun, but the roads to get out of the area are pretty damn narrow. 

There are new achievements and new side gigs, so we'll certainly pad the gamer score a bit. The big question of if the DLC is worth its' initial price shall be determined by the hours of play time we're able to get out of it.

Cyberpunk 2077 Achievements

  • All the President's Men: Save President Myers.
  • Arachnophobia: Defeat the Chimera.

For the raid we went over to who was playing Counter-Strike and Civilization V

Our next stream is scheduled for 5 PM Eastern on Sunday with Overwatch 2

Phillies certainly held off today in their double-header against the Mets, which is a bit concerning since they have to play in the Wild Card round of the playoffs.

Finished the Resident Evil story commission that took some inspiration from Resident Evil 3, and now I have three wrestling / WWE related commissions to do. But at least the fourth story in the commission queue is based on Watch Dogs.

I have posted nearly all of my commission story over on Archive of our Own, and it's become increasingly interesting to see which stories are constantly being read. 

Recorded a new Headcanon episode for my YouTube channel that will premier in a couple of weeks, giving my thoughts on why Dolph Ziggler was never considered a main even start... and it basically has to do with an unique series of events that occurred.

Well, thsoe are all my notes for note for tonight!

Good night folks!

Horizon Zero Dawn and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Horizon Zero Dawn saw a lot of exploration being done on the eastern side of the map, mostly focused on finding collectables and reaching various side points to find areas to explore. We did actually advance the plot a little by hitting the Ring of Metal. Next time we play HZD, which will be next Friday, we'll be heading west ward, finding more collectables and making the push towards the next big story point.

Horizon Zero Dawn Trophies

  • Headshot 30 human enemies: Killed 30 human enemies by landing headshots on them.
  • Reached level 25: Reached player level 25.
  • Victorious with the War-Chief: Found the Nora War-Chief and defeated the killers in the Ring of Metal.

We did have two raids during the stream, thank you to Redneck_23 and Tinflix for bringing over their communities!

For the raid we went over to during their marathone stream, at the time they were watching Bucky O'Hare episodes. 

Our next stream is scheduled for about 5 PM Eastern on Saturday over on with the Phantom Liberty content for Cyberpunk 2077.

Word was sidelined today, which was good as I spent a good portion of the afternoon just zonked out, I was way out of it for some reason today. Then again I felt very hungry too, which is weird because I did eat a lot over the last couple of days.

Finished The Legend of Korra story to knock out a commission request, which turned out rather nicely. The next one on my docket is for Resident Evil followed by three straight WWE / Wrestling related ones, and then a Watch Dogs commission.

Since I got a job interview on Monday afternoon, I'll take that as an opportunity to finish the Persona story I've been working on after that interview is done.

And on that note, have a good night folks

Friday, September 29, 2023

The Evil Within 2 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream featured The Evil Within 2 as we covered the end of Chapter 4, all of Chapter 5 and the open world parts of Chapter 6, finding various goodies and advancing the plot at a nice pace. Since there are 17 chapters in the game we are roughly a third of the way through it. Perhaps what gave me the most trouble tonight was a puzzle where I had to use mirror reflections to see which doors to use, which makes me glad we have all the cheats enabled since The Cold Lady was on my tail the entire way.

The Evil Within 2 will of course be on next week's line-up, scheduled for Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

The Evil Within 2 Achievements

  • Not Running This Time: Defeated the Guardian outside City Hall.
  • Doing Some Detecting: Collected 20 files.
  • The Team Psychologist: Found a potential ally in The Marrow.

For the raid we went over to who was playing Ark: Survival Evolved 

Our next stream is scheduled for 9:30 PM Eastern on Friday and will feature Horizon Zero Dawn, as I'm going to put a focus on exploring areas opposite of where I need to go. Since I know where these side objectives are might as well go for them.

Work was incredibly meh... some people were willing to be interviewed, but were disqualified for demographic reasons.

I have a job interview on Monday via Zoom, which I hope goes well

Got a pair of story commissions finished today, one Star Wars related and the other related to WWE, while starting on a 3rd commission request based on the Legend of Korra. Thankfully I have some wiggle room with it since it involved characters and details that could be consider minor at best.

Also had to cancel doing a commission request because the person kept piling on details and wanting a story done in a style I was not comfortable doing since it would involve emulating someone else. 

Anyway, at the moment I'm making some pasta for Friday's dinner, so I should pay attention to that!

Good night everyone!

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Journey To The Savage Planet and other notes

Hi everyone,

Work tonight was meh again, not as good as last tonight when it came to actually getting successful interviews. Found several interesting job listings on Indeed this morning, but at the same time I get the feeling many businesses are just resume hoarding.  

Tonight's stream featured Journey to the Savage Planet, and after getting a rough handle on the controls, we teamed up with Iceman to roam around and make steady progress on it's apparently short story campaign. One thing I noticed is that the game really revolves around thinking outside the box as well as paying attention to the obvious.

For sure this will be out Wednesday night campaign game, which serves as a nice break from The Evil Within 2, which we'll getting back to on the Thursday night stream which is slated to start at 9:30 PM Eastern

 Journey to the Savage Planet: Employee of the Month Edition Achievements

  • Colonizer: Set foot on AR-Y 26 for the first time. I guess that counts as an achievement?
  • He Slimed Me: Got covered in ooey-gooey alien guts.
  • Flippin' the bird: Get launched by a Pufferbird, then kill it.
  • What Would You Two Maniacs Like To Do First?: Start a Co-Op game. It must be nice having friends...
  • Don't Cross the Streams: Slapped your Co-Op partner. I'm sure you had a good reason for it.
  • I Feel The Same. I Think?: Unlock the Alien Teleportation System. Beats walking!
  • Phone Home: Play a video message from Kindred. Guess they didn't forget about us!
  • Aaaaaaand we're back: You died! Now you're not dead! Huh. Weird!

 For the raid we went over to who was playing Green Hell

Finished a Star Wars story commission based on the final season of Clone Wars which I never saw... and got another commission request for another story for the exact same show and franchise. At least my tendency to rely on 'What If..' scenarios means means this 2nd consecutive Star Wars story will be a lot more detailed.

Picked up some groceries to restock the freezer, despite getting more comfortable with making various pasta dishes.

So on that note, have a good night!

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Evil Within 2, Social Media Update and other notes

Hi everyone,

Work today was alright as we picked up two complete interviews, which I think were pretty solid given the very clunky nature of the questions that were asked. The issue with day hours is still up in the air for next week.

Tonight's stream of The Evil Within 2 saw a lot of roaming around in the first area of the game, finding missing items and little secrets before advancing the plot. Turns out Sebastian's missing daughter is being chased by a loon in a suit. We reached the Marrow and crossed to the other side to put is in the area of City Hall, which means we''ll be in a whole new area of the game next time we play it on Thursday.

Also huge thanks for the re-subs during tonight's stream! The support is always appreciated!

The Evil Within 2 Achievements

  • Clearing a Path: Killed 60 enemies.
  • I Am The Night: Killed 10 enemies using Sneak Kills.
  • You Got Red in You: Used your first Red Gel.
  • Taken: Saw a chilling vision.
  • Now You're Playing with Power: Upgraded a weapon to Level 3.
  • Making Things a Little Easier: Used your first High-Grade Weapon Parts.

Our next stream, scheduled for around 9:30 PM Eastern over on will feature Journey to the Savage Planet. I'm going to try and start as soon as I finish work to get any tutorial and sets ups out of the way as the plan is for Iceman to join in

For the raid we went over to who was playing Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Huge thank you to zephyrwrestles for hooking me up with a Blue Sky invite link, as we're now on that social media platform, which will be helpful for when Twitter goes  tits up! Here are all my current social media links: 

Blue Sky:







 Finished the 16th entry in a series of Resident Evil commissions, with the focus being on Annette Birkin, since I won't use Sherry Birkin in these stories until way down the line. Also picked up a commission request for a Star Wars story which will make heavy use of 'time skips' to make sure it gets written in a reasonable amount of time.

 Phillies made the playoffs as the #1 wild card team in the National League, and they have a shot of finishing the season with over 90 wins.

And on that note, good night everyone!

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The Evil Within 2 and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Work was kind of weird a we got a big assignment that is nearly impossible because we're forced to stick to the script more so than usual, which makes things very tough, then there is the possibility of getting back to day shift hours, which would mean I could work longer than I do in the evenings, but they don't want to inform me until the last minute, and trust me rebounding from night to day is not easy. At least for this week all streams will be at 9:30 PM Eastern

Tonight's stream saw us starting up The Evil Within 2 on the Xbox One. It's been a few years since we played the first game on PC, so jumping back in was kind of unique, and thankfully the console version has all the PC related cheats, so I don't have to worry about ambushes. The game's cut scenes looks very good, and the controls are pretty solid. The open world aspect is kind of neat, which probably means farming brain goo a lot more possible. Apparently there are a lot of locked areas I find open up depending on how the story progresses.

The Evil Within 2 Achievements

  • Welcome to Union: Took the plunge back into STEM.
  • DIY: Crafted something for the first time.
  • Good to See You Again: Acquired the Warden Crossbow.
  • Thinning Them Out: Killed 30 enemies.
  • Backup Ain't Coming: Completed the "Rogue Signal" side mission.

Of course as indicating before our next stream over on will feature The Evil Within 2

For the raid we went over to who was playing Hunt: Showdown 

Finished two commission requests today, one being Star Trek related and the other on Resident Evil, which would be the last one of a series that features direct references to the two Outbreak games. The next commission request is also Resident Evil related, but it ties in closer to Resident Evil 2.

Also worked a bit on my Person 5 story, and that's about 80% complete as I need to make sure Naoto closes it out in the featured spot.

Did plant to go out to the post office yesterday, then realized I didn't put my return address on th envelope and I didn't have a pen in my satchel.

Got even more reasons not to play Mortal Kombat 1 and that's in regard to the treatment of the characters from Mortal Kombat X... seriously fuck Ed Boon.

And on that note, good night!



Sunday, September 24, 2023

Overwatch 2 and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Yet another weird day where I went to be relatively early, work up, did stuff and then crashed around noon... that can't be normal.

Did get the paper work to renew my current heath insurance in the mail, so have to take that to post office this week. 

Anyway tonight's stream of Overwatch 2 was rather irksome to some degree as Panda and I ran into numerous players either refusing to engage the opposing team or were doing things not related to the objective, meaning we loss far more than we won, in fact we only won 4 matches in the final two hours of the stream. Still it's always awesome to have Panda along for the ride. 

Picked up a couple of Plays of the Game, one as Junker Queen and the other as Brigitte, other characters used were Moira, Sombra, Ana and Illari. Really  am focusing on doing a lot of the Progression stuff as Junker Queen, as I continue to prove her ability to survive in handicapped situation

Overwatch 2 Achievements

  • Hack the Planet: Hack 15 enemies without dying as Sombra in Quick or Competitive Play.

For the raid we dropped in on who was playing Final Fantasy XIV

Assuming there is work, our next stream over on will feature The Evil Within 2, and we're going to play it in god mode, because of course we are! 

Finished the Spider-Man story commission, and it turned out pretty damn well I think, nearly equally four prior commission requests within the same franchise. Also picked up a commission request based on the 2009 Star Trek film, which is a bit tough as I'm not a fan of the JJ-Trek era of films

And how about them Miami Dolphis, when I checked my Fantasy Football team this week, I thought I was seeing things when I saw they scored 70 points

And on that note, good night!

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Today was just another weird day where I woke up at a reasonable time and then around noon I just crashed hard, not waking back up till about 4:30 PM Eastern.

Anyway,  tonight's stream of Cyberpunk 2077 got off to a rocking start because of that, since I didn't have dinner. Managed to order something from El Burger Bar (man their burgers are fucking huge!) which arrived about 30 minutes into the stream, which was perfect as we were doing the final quest associated with Kerry. We waited to see if any other quests popped up before doing the final mission, and we went with Johnny's plan of bringing Rogue along... and boy did the changes to how Quickhacks work make it more of a slog than it needed to be.

Now once we reached Alt, we went ahead and did one ending where Johnny crosses the bridge letting V keep her body and then reloaded and did the ending where Johnny keeps V's body. Neither ending is really satisfying, as V seems constantly on the edge taking any merc job that seems like the results will give her away to live, while Johnny seems to embrace having a second chance at life.

Of course we're not really done with Cyberpunk 2077 because there are still two more ending paths to take, one involves accepting the Arasaka proposal and the other is using the Nomads to raid the tower. There are alternate endings to both depending on final decisions. Plus there is also the Phantom Liberty content which we'll be diving into starting next Saturday.

Cyberpunk 2077 Achievements

  • To Bad Decisions!: Complete Kerry Eurodyne's storyline.
  • Daemon In The Shell: Kill or incapacitate 3 enemies with one "Detonate Grenade" quickhack.
  • The World: Complete the main storyline.
  • The Sun: Become a legend of the Afterlife.
  • Temperance: Let Johnny Silverhand keep your body. 

Our next stream will be at 5 PM Eastern over on and will feature Overwatch 2, and the usual general nonsense of dealing with randoms teammates who constantly let me down.

For tonight's raid we went over to who was playing Warhammer 40,000: Darkside

Since we are returning to Cyberpunk 2077 on Saturday, that is going to free up the Monday, Tuesday and Thursday slot in week... and since it's been a running joke for so long since god mode can be used with it, I will start up The Evil Within 2 on Monday's stream. 

Did a fair bit of writing in the morning, finishing up the WWE commission request I meant to finish yesterday and getting started on another commission story based on Marvel's Spider-Man and to feature Screwball. Already that's at 3000 words, which is pretty fucking impressive by my standards.

Anyway, going to get back to work on that after I record my review of Cyberpunk 2077 for my YouTube channel

Have a good night folks!

Horizon Zero Dawn and other notes

Hi everyone,

We had another good night of work, as I reached the goal I was looking for which hopefully will mean a bit extra in next week's paycheck to set up for the next set of bills.

Tonight's stream of Horizon Zero Dawn started a bit late because I thought I hit the start stream button on OBS... but we covered a lot of ground, finding various first items for a series of collectables in addition to slowly covering every quest we come across. I'm pretty much resigned to not doing the Hunter Lodge Quest however. The Cauldrons certainly seem like they'll be fun to explore when I come across them.

Horizon Zero Dawn Trophies

  • First Vantage found: Found and accessed a Vantage datapoint.
  • First Corrupted Zone cleared: Killed all the corrupted machines in a Corrupted Zone.
  • First Banuk Figure found: Found a wooden effigy left by a Banuk traveler.
  • 10 Vulnerable machine kills: Killed 10 machines weak to Fire while burning, or weak to
  • Freeze while frozen.
  • First Core Overridden: Reached the Core of a Cauldron and accessed its information.
  • All Recon machines killed: Killed at least one of every type of Reconnaissance machine.

Our next stream will feature Cyberpunk 2077 and  will feature the awful new gameplay mechanics. I already tested it out a bit to see what changed and I'm not liking all the changes to my quick hack set up, and the fact that I know have to scramble to get components I need to craft and upgrade what I already had equipped. Anyway the stream will start about 5 PM Eastern over on and for sure we should be able to finish the game outright.

For the raid we dropped in on who was doing a stream of F-Zero 99

Didn't finish the second of back to back WWE commission requests due to... passing out around noon, which was weird. I'm going to finish that, after I post this and take the opportunity to work on my Persona story.

Also discovered that The Last of Us Fandom community is more insane than I first thought after yesterday. I'm really tempted to really get under their skin, I mean what could be worse than Ellie verbally tearing down Joel? Answer: Joel helping Abby.

Phillies won tonight, and at this point unless something horrific happens they are a shoe-in at the top Wild Card team in the National League.

On a side note, my weight has been fluctuating a lot late going anywhere from 250 to 260.

And on that note, have a good night!

Friday, September 22, 2023

The Expanse, Party Animals and Other Notes

 Hi everyone,

Work tonight was solid as we had a good pace of completing interviews, even if some folks were more 'mental' than others. Gives me hope that Friday is going to be a good day.

Tonight's stream opened with episode 5 of The Expanse: A TellTale Series, and I realized what this game was... it's a glorified tech demo, and I'm real curious if the fault lies with TellTale Games or Deck Nine Games, as both companies were involved. When compared to games that both companies have worked on and  released previously, The Expanse is a shallow experience. Sure it looks great, but there is nothing of substance there. I firmly believe this is the worst game I played here in 2023. Doesn't help that Episode 5 was less than a gig in size, making it the smallest of all 5 chapters, and boy did that really show as it was barely 40 minutes in length.

We loaded up Killer Instinct and saw that its story mode was basically the arcade mode. We did a quick run through as Orchid. Interesting a number of achievements popped from when I last played it back in August. I checked to see if anything popped in Resident Evil 6 and the answer was nope.

We also checked out Party Animals... and that game is basically a violent form of Fall Guys, it is down right hilarious and can be frustrating as the controls are pretty loose. There are a fair variety of game modes, and the fact you can choose your animal is pretty cool. If you liked Fall Guys, give Party Animals a whirl.

The Expanse: A Telltale Series Achievements

  • Heal Thy Medic: Help Virgil overcome his panic attack
  • Brother's Reaper: Rayen kills Arlen
  • Oyedeng, Kopengs: Complete Episode 5 of The Expanse
  • Miraculous Maya: Keep Maya alive
  • Khan's Revenge: Keep Khan alive
  • Bosmang: Complete all Episodes of The Expanse
  • Data Archivist: Complete Episode 5 with all Data Logs

Killer Instinct Achievements

  • Sadira's Web Trap: A web trap hit an opponent, while in Instinct Mode with Sadira
  • Glacius' Armor: You absorbed a hit with Glacius' Ice armor while in Instinct Mode
  • Orchid Novice: You have reached 30 Fight Challenges with Orchid!
  • Competitive Hisako: You have won a ranked match as Hisako!
  • Astral Assistance: You completed a Shadow Lords mission with a Guardian equipped!

Party Animals Achievements

  • Welcome To The Party: Finish the Tutorial
  • First Strike: Win 1 match in the Quick Match
  • Sportsmanship: Knock out 1 player during the podium moment
  • Immortal Kombat: In Into The Game, knock out opponent playing arcade 3 times in one game (Quick Match)

Our next stream is scheduled for 9:30 PM Eastern (assuming there is work) over on and will feature Horizon Zero Dawn, we'll bounce from quest to quest based on distance.

For the raid we went over to who was playing Smite

So I posted an older short story based on The Last of Us over on Ao3 and boy, the Joel apologists were in full force, I'm really tempted to write a follow up just to piss them off even more.

Speaking of stories, knocked out one WWE commission request and started on another. It is funny considering an earlier commissioned story involved Emma's return to the promotion earlier this year... and she was let go today.

Those will be all of my notes for tonight, have a good one folks!

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Work tonight was another great night... even if some of the people I talked turn turned a simple 10 minute study into a 30 minute torture session. Now I'm good at trying to control the interview, but some people need to be smacked.

Tonight's stream featured Cyberpunk 2077 and we started as soon as we finished work, as we focused on more side quests, as every time one ended another popped up. The big thing was trying to knock out quested related to Kerry's questline, and there is only one left to do, but we couldn't get it to trigger. Ah well, now the big worry is going to be the Liberty Expansion which drops this week to see what happens to the save file on Saturday, which is the next time we'll be playing it. 

For the raid we went over to who was playing Overwatch, the raid was picked by LvStrkr as one of the channel rewards! 

Our next stream, scheduled for about 9:30 PM Eastern over on will feature episode five o the Expanse to wrap up that disappointing mess. Trust me, when I do my casual review of The Expanse, the negatives are going to be prominent. Since the final episode will only take maybe hour, we'll  be pairing it with Killer Instinct.

Knocked out another commission story request based on Resident Evil, which turned out alright, even if the paper thin plot relies on what contrived references I can make.

Also picked up two commission requests for (sigh ) WWE related stories... one featuring Rhea Ripley and the other featuring Triple H. I said before and I'll say it again, those nearly 15 years of being one half of the Dice and Kristi writing duo certainly branded what type of stories people want me to write.

Heard some good things about the Party Animals game, while the obvious mediocrity of Mortal Kombat 1 becomes more obvious with every review I see.

And on that note, I'm going to bed! 

Good night folks!

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Work today was really good despite being a bit late because I didn't see the notification over what assignment I was supposed to be on until the last minute. Also found out day shifts might be back soon so I'm going to have adjust my sleep and stream schedules again.

This would also make doing commission stories both easier and tougher at the same time, since writing will be done after the streams. Speaking of writing, finished one Resident Evil commission request and got another straight away. I probably should've  thought things more carefully about using characters from the Outbreak games. Also managed to do some work on the Persona side story as well.

Tonight's stream of Cyberpunk 2077 opened and closed with romance as we completed V's story arcs with V and Judy, which means we got their 'love' scenes, and seeing it from the first person perspective was certainly wild. Probably some context is lost because we had it 'censored', Also progressed mostly side stories, such as making sure Johnny got to go on his date with Rogue, as well as getting all of Johnny's gear. I could easily just go ahead and finish the game, but we'll risk the Liberty expansion screwing things up.

Our next stream will either being Journey to the Savage Planet, but I don't think Iceman will be available this week, if not we'll continue Cyberpunk 2077 and continue the side quests. The stream will be at around 9:30 PM eastern over on

Cyberpunk 2077 Achievements

  • To Protect and Serve: Complete River Ward's storyline.
  • Breathtaking: Collect all items that once belonged to Johnny Silverhand.
  • Bushido and Chill: Watch Bushido X with Rogue.
  • Judy vs Night City: Complete Judy Alvarez's storyline.

 For the raid we went over to who was also playing Cyberpunk 2077

I need to make sure to get in touch with my Aunt Grace and Cousin Frances to return their tupperwear... after I give them a good scrubbing

Also should reach out to the FNDanteSavage too, see what he's up to.

Well, that's all for tonight, good night folks!

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 and other note

Hi everyone,

Nearly didn't have work today because the supervisor who was filling in did not see my notes for alternate work hours, but thankfully I was able to pick up some of the hours for tonight. 

Tonight's stream was also pretty positive as we finished Act 2 of Cyberpunk 2077, getting several side quests done in addition to advancing the main plot. The side quest with River in finding his nephew certainly had all levels of disturbing written over it. Also made sure to liberate Clouds for Judy, and we actually saw a work around regarding crafting Legendary items. Turns out all you have to do is unlock a perk under Quickhacking and it gives you the formulas needed without having to unlock the standard skill by leveling up the crafting related skills.

Our next stream on Tuesday night (9:30 PM Eastern over on will feature more Cyberpunk, and we're going to focus on the side quests as I know we have at least two, one for Johnny to let him try to convince Rogue to help in the final mission, but there are still some things that I suspect open up in Act 3, since we're at max level and have max street-cred. We could go ahead and finish the game, but I do want to see all the side stories.

Cyberpunk 2077 Achievements

  • Master Crafter: Craft 3 Legendary items.
  • The High Priestess: Talk with Hanako Arasaka.

For the  raid we went over to who was playing Smite

Got two commission stories done during the day, one being the third of a set of stories based on George Lopez, and the other a simple celebrity / original character tale, which turned out rather nicely. Next commission request on the list is the series of Resident Evil stories.

There is the question of what will replace Cyberpunk 2077 once it's done and at the moment I'm learning to either Persona 4 Golden or Persona 5 Royal. One I played before and the other I haven't.

Of course with October being around the corner, I could just play The Evil Within 2, apparently one could access God Mode on the Xbox version.

Anyway, those are all of today's note, have a good night everyone!

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Overwatch was the definition of frustrating, when I had several great matches in terms of my own stats, only to be let down by random teammates who made some very questionable decisions in terms of not defending the objectives or payloads.

 We were joined by PandaSweet for a few matches, which made things more fun. I did pick up three Plays of the Game I did pick up a few plays of the game as Junker Queen and Moira, in addition to playing as Tracer, Kikiro,, Ashe, Windowmaker and a few other characters.

For tonight's raid we went over to who was playing Final Fantasy XIV 

Out next stream is scheduled for 9:30 PM eastern over on and will featured Cyberpunk 2077. And I realized something, that there are a lot more side quest in the game that locked behind either 'in-game game' or tied various main quests being completed which we haven't done yet.

Finished writing the second of a trilogy of commission based on the 2002 George Lopez sitcom, granted I'm sorta half-assing it a bit by just having the 2nd and 3rd parts being direct continuations of the previous entries. Goal is to get the final one written by tomorrow afternoon.

The soreness from the charley horse I suffered on Friday is starting to fade, granted it involved me laying down most of the day with my left leg elevated.

Team Four Star released a compilation of shorts that covered the Buu Saga, which served as a nice taste to see what they would've done with that arc of Dragon Ball Z. It's really worth checking out.

Have a good night folks.


Cyberpunk 2077 and other notes

Hi everyone,

That muscle cramp on my left calf is still bothering me over 24 hours later, real weird to continue feeling the effects that long.

Anyway, got the dishes done, and it's amazing how little dishes I use, then again I tend to do the classic quick rinse after I eat to reuse stuff. 

Tonight's stream of Cyberpunk 2077 started at 5 PM and ended after midnight, because I focused on finding all the missing travel points which took awhile, and we were able to complete all the NCPD spots and the side gigs to clear out things in Pacifica and Heywood. Plus we advanced the main plot finding Alt Cunnigham and advancing the plot to a very large degree.

In fact, near as I can tell, everything let is either time locked side quests or main story content, so we have an outside shot of finishing Cyberpunk 2077 before the Liberty DLC Expansion and rework which appears to totally screw with the combat and inventory system that I've spent over 65 hours getting use to!

Cyberpunk 2077 Achievements

  • Frequent Flyer: Find all fast travel dataterms.
  • Life of the Road: Complete Panam Palmer's storyline.
  • Mean Streets: Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Heywood.
  • Gun Fu: Kill or incapacitate 3 enemies in quick succession with a revolver or pistol in close combat.
  • The Hermit: Find Alt Cunningham.
  • Greetings from Pacifica!: Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Pacifica.

Our next scheduled stream is for 5 PM Eastern over on and will feature Overwatch 2

For the raid we went over to who was playing Final Fantasy XIV 

Order dinner from a place called the El Buger Bar... and their 'Big Boy' burger is fucking massive, plus their cheese fries are big and chunky! A lot more filling than getting something from McDonalds.

Got a lot of writing done yesterday, finishing two story commissions, one based on WWE and another based on the 2002 George Lopez sitcom, which instantly lead to the client wanting a follow up to that. Also worked on the 5th chapter of my Persona 5 AU story, with the introduction of FeMC from P3P and a cat-person version of Morgana

Hmmm I have no other notes of interest, so with that, have a good night everyone!

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Horizon Zero Dawn and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Work was okay tonight, could've and should've had four full interviews done, but ended up with two due to people refusing to answer simple yes or no questions . Ah well.

Picked up a few extra things for my food supply to keep myself from ordering take out this week, as electric and water bills were paid. So everything is taken cared of for this month.

Tonight's stream of  Horizon Zero Dawn saw a big focus on roaming around and exploring, realizing there are mounts and various side things to do, such as clearing bandit camps, finding metal flowers and other things to keep one busy. We did advance the plot a bit with the finding the War Chief, but for the most part, getting a feel for if I want to do everything or just focus on the main story.

Horizon Zero Dawn Trophies

  • First Metal Flower found: Discovered a strange metal flower.
  • Reached level 10: Reached player level 10.
  • All Suns at one Ground: Earned at least a Half Sun mark in all three trials at one Hunting Ground.
  • Stealth killed 10 machines: Performed a stealth kill on 10 machines.
  • First Tallneck Overridden: Scaled a Tallneck and accessed its information.
  • First Ancient Vessel found: Found an ancient vessel once used by the Old Ones.
  • First Bandit Camp cleared: Took back a settlement from a bandit clan.

Our next stream is scheduled for 5 PM Eastern over on and will feature Cyberpunk 2077. From what I understand the new DLC content rolls out on the 21st of September, so that's going to make things real interesting on how it effects my current game.

For the raid we went over to who was playing Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

For a fair bit of writing done, knocking out the first of two back to back WWE commission requests and starting the other. Also got a request to see if I can do a trilogy of stories based on the first George Lopez show (the one from the early 2000s) which is odd. But hey, it's helping pay the bills.

Did have a muscle spasm on my left calf today which hurt liked hell... and its always the left calf that I get them on! Certianly made going up and down stairs difficult today!

 And on that note, I'm going to bed!

Friday, September 15, 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Work tonight was solid, even if we're still dealing with a 25% drop in hours, but hell, I felt productive and got several completes done. Just wish the we were going for more than just a few people.

Job hunt continues to go poorly as well, as anything I know I can do I am too far away from or requires to be living within a certain radius

Tonight's stream of Cyberpunk 2077 saw us finishing up the last of the Cyberpsycho events and getting about 60% of the last side quests in one area done, next time we play the game on Saturday, that will be my major focus as I think I just have the gigs to do. Also progressed Panam's character quest, and the entire 'great train' robbery was kind of neat. Finding the talking pistol named Skippy was a bit odd, but hey, I've seen talking weapons in the Borderlands games.

Cyberpunk 2077 Achievements

  • I Am The Law: Complete all Cyberpsycho Sightings.

For the raid we went over to who was playing Path of Exile

Our next stream is slated for 9:30 PM Eastern over on and will feature Horizon Zero Dawn

Finished up the third straight Resident Evil commission request and now I have two back to back WWE related ones... I sweat being pigeonholed holed for all the wrestling related stories I've done from 2004 to 2016 continues to come back to bite me in the ass 

Eagles won two games this week, which was nice, but Dallas Godertt is really under performing so far this year, when the lst few years he was awesome. More concerned for my Fantasy Football team than the Eagles to be honest.

And on that note, time for bed!

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Resident Evil 6 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Work tonight was already as we closed out an assignment regarding education issues in the Los Angeles area, and it did amaze me how residents in the city have positive opinions about the schools their kids attend, but have negative views regarding the School District in general.

Tonight's stream of Resident Evil 6 saw Iceman and I replaying the first two chapters of Jake's Campaign to see if could get some Xbox achievements to pop. Unfortunately that wasn't the case for me, as the in-game list of achievements says I have them. But on the positive side, We were able to get achievements to pop for Iceman so it wasn't a total loss. Now we can revisit Resident Evil 6 down the road, but it'll be quite some time before we do.

During the stream, we did pick our next Wednesday night game which will feature Journey to the Savage Planet, I know nothing about it other than it can be a co-op experience. So we'll look into that next Wednesday.

My next broadcast over on is slated for 9:30 PM Eastern and we'll be getting back to Cyberpunk 2077

For the raid we went over to as Cecilia Littlewing was hosting

I am in a nice string of Resident Evil short story commissions, focusing on things during the Outbreak era, and trying to write an evil Jill Valentine while also taking into account the creature called Nemesis is quite interesting.

Got some general groceries today as well, mostly ramen, pasta, some beverages, and stuff. 

Discovered that my trash was not picked up last week, so I now have two garbage bags behind my house that need to be picked up. So I'll be keeping an eye and ear out for the garbage trucks.

Had to put down that I won't be able to attend one of my cousin's Bat Mitzvah in November, primarily because of transportation being a problem combined with the possibility of starting a new job around that same time frame. 

And those are all the notes for today, have a good night folks!

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Work got cancelled tonight, which was particularly frustrating as I woke up feeling awful and was in bed most of the day. Like what the hell man...

Anyway, with no work tonight, we started tonight's stream Cyberpunk 2077 at around 7 PM and ended a bit before 11 PM, we covered a lot of side quests, clearing out everything in the City Center. which took two hours before doing some Side Jobs and advancing the main story by starting Gimme Danger, which is one of the main plots. Perhaps the biggest thing done was possibly trying to lock in a character romance with Panam, who seemed pretty cool if a bit bratty.

Cyberpunk 2077 Achievements

  • City Lights: Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in City Center.

For the raid we went over to who was also playing Cyberpunk 2077

Our next broadcast will feature Resident Evil 6 with Iceman in an attempt to get the three story related achievement that did not pop for us, two of which happened in Jake's Campaign and one in Ada's. So hopefully this will work out, plus the silliness of Resident Evil 6 gets featured one more time. The stream will start around 9:30 PM Eastern regardless of their being work or not (but of course we want work!)

 Speaking of Resident Evil, finished the 10th story in the series of commissions of putting a darker twist on it, and started the 11th installment. These are basically covering for lost work hours at this point. Also someone came to me asking if I could possibly write stories where a character is the host, which wouldn't be too hard, as I've done stuff like that in the past. To bad it's going to tie in with pro-wrestling, but I can't be choosy at this point

The Phillies had a big comeback on the Braves tonight only to lose in the 10th inning... and the fact they are playing .500 baseball at this point is concerning. They have lost too many winnable games this month.

And on that note, I'm heading to bed,

Good night everyone!


Cyberpunk 2077 and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Work tonight was a bit of a slog, sure i was able to start some interviews, but the parameters were so tonight that people were getting disqualified depending on that they identified as. Also heard nothing back from places I applied for over the past week.

Tonight's stream of Cyberpunk 2077 focused on Side Quests in the Pacifica portion of the map (South West corner) doing all gigs and available NCPD skirmishes, with a few side job tossed in that took us back to the badlands. Also finished the race with Claire and I think I may have screwed up with the dialog choices, but oh well. Did unlock the final apartment in the game.Also we passed the 50 hour mark.

We're going to continue Cyberpunk 2077 on Tuesday's stream at 9:30 PM Eastern over on with the big focus being on all the side quests in the corporate center area, again, we're focusing on the side quests and anything not related to the main story.

For the raid we went over to who was playing Overwatch 2

Recorded parts 4 and 5 of my What if Vegeta were female series of videos for my YouTube channel, and managed to work in the Tree of Might into it as way to get the Princess of all Saiyans to go Super Saiyan. If I continue the series, I might skip the Garlic Jr part of the tale and go straight 

Got the Dragon Ball short story commission done, and I realized something when writing it, that since its set in the era that Future Trunks comes from, that means Chi-Chi would still be around as a characters.

Picked up another story commission for another Resident Evil tale, this one focusing on Chris Redfield while tying in plot points from Resident Evil Outbreak File 2.

I have a rough idea for the fifth chapter of my Persona series, just haven't had time to start it yet.

Picked up an timer to help prevent me time stuff when I attempt to cook considering how absent minded I can be. Also picked up a longer USB cable for the PS4 wireless controller to use that since I've been having stick-drift issues with the wired one.

And on that note have a good night!



Sunday, September 10, 2023

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Hi everyone,

So, picture this if you win, I go to make some pasta to have some meals prepared for this week, and the pilot on the stove won't light up on its on, thankfully I had something to ignite it, but it's just one more problem among many.

Anyway, tonight's stream of Overwatch 2 was a lot of fun as per usual, even if the some random folks I got teamed with were doing their damnedest to feed the other team (Genji players I'm looking at you). Yes I had some bad matches, but when I look at the scoreboard and see we could've won if someone wasn't trying to be hero and focus on the task at hand, I waste no time in reporting players. 

Still things certainly picked up when PandaSweet joined in as I could always count on them to provide awesome support to give me more of a fighting chance since I was focused on playing Junker Queen to try and get a particular achievement. Other characters used were Moira, Tracer, Bastion, Mei,, Baptiste and Brigitte. Also picked up two Plays of the Games, one as Junker Queen and the other as Moira.

For the raid we went over to where of course Overwatch 2 was being played since that is the offical twitch channel

Our next stream is scheduled for 9:30 PM Eastern over on and we'll be getting back to Cyberpunk 2077, focusing on 

Did a fair bit of writing during the day, finishing the commission requests for a Resident Evil and WWE stories, and started one based on Dragon Ball. I really do appreciate everyone who has been paying for stories.

And that's all my notes for today, have a good night folks!


Saturday, September 9, 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Went over to my brother's house for for the first time and I have to say, he and his wife have put together an awesome home. First home I've ever gone too that seemed to have a TV every where. Did give me some ideas for what to eventually do with my house.

Tonight's stream of Cyberpunk 2077 was pretty eventful, as I covered all the side quests in the Badlands area, leaving two areas left to focus on in terms of general roaming around, which is going to me by big focus during the next several sessions of this game. We also actually advanced the plot, finding Hellman and meeting Panam who is a really cool companion character. I've also enjoyed the little side story with Claire and the Street Racing gimmick. 

Also, I always joked about hearing an Ice Cream truck whenever its coming by my house... and I finally took a break during a stream to go and grab something to prove it. The brain freeze was worth it.

Cyberpunk 2077 Achievements

  • The Quick and the Dead: Kill or incapacitate 50 enemies while time is slowed.
  • The Wasteland: Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in the Badlands.
  • The Wheel of Fortune: Interrogate Anders Hellman.

Out next stream is scheduled for 5 PM Eastern and will featuring Overwatch 2

For the raid we went over to who was playing some Final Fantasy XIV

The four chapter of my Persona: Dereliction series is up on the SubscribeStar page, and it sets up the next portion of things I want to feature.

Currently in progress is the first of three commission requests, which is Resident Evil featuring Kevin Ryman from Resident Evil Outbreak, focused, then that will be followed by a WWE tale which will star AJ Lee, followed by a Dragon Ball story featuring Future Trunks and Android 17.

Speaking of Dragon Ball, I need to get back to writing the fourth installment of my What if Vegeta were Female.

And on that note, good night!

Horizon Zero Dawn and other notes

Hi everyone,

Work got cancelled today, which was frustrating, but it was the least of my problems today as I fell asleep while waiting for something to be boiled, and woke up to my kitchen filled with smoke. Yeah I can doze off just sitting on a chair if I'm not focused on something. Pot was kind of ruined... but otherwise nothing bad happened... as that kind of happened to my mom a few times over the years before she passed away.

Now tonight's stream started around 8:15 PM, I could have started earlier, but we had to installed Horizon Zero Dawn and make sure all of its updates were done on the PlayStation 4. My first impressions of the game is that it's clear a combination of  the modern era Tomb Raider and God of War games, quasi-open world enviroements with things to explore, crafting systems, etc. Visually it's a good looking game, but it's plot is a bit thing so far, despite getting all thew ay to the Point Aloy is named Seeker.

I did make a few jokes about Skynet, as it's real clear that something happened involving machines and humanity being kicked to the stone age. And of course we're playing it on the lowest possible difficulty because I'll be exploring everything I can, and I'm kind of expecting it to take about 40 hours to complete, so possibly 10 to 12 streams, depending on how easy it gets to get around in the game, as I saw there are mounts

Horizon Zero Dawn Trophies

  • Followed Rost's teachings: Learned to hunt and fight alongside Rost.
  • First Modification: Used a Weapon Coil or Outfit Weave on a modifiable weapon or outfit.
  • Defeated the Sawtooth: Defeated the Sawtooth that threatened the Nora.
  • Tore off 10 components: Detached 10 components from machines during combat.
  • Triumphed in the Proving: Overcame adversity and placed first in the Proving. 

Our next stream  Saturday night is scheduled for 5 PM Eastern, but I may be running late, really depends on when my brother swings by in the afternoon. When it does get started, we're back to Cyberpunk 2077 

For the raid we went over to who was playing Splatoon 3

Finished up the 8th installment of a commissioned series Resident Evil stories and got the go head to work on the 9th. Made the client happy in not just skipping over the Outbreak era of the franchise to include lesser known characters.

Nearly finished the fourth chapter of my Persona series, just need to write the ending and get it formatted for PDF uploads.

Had to take a test involving Excel for a possible job opportunity, but that was a slight problem since I don't have Microsoft Office, instead I used Libre Office and was able to get it done.

So on that note, I'm going to bed! Good night!

Friday, September 8, 2023

The Expanse, Gundam Evolution and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Work was another rough night, and I have to say this, I think I prefer to be hung up on quick rather than having to go through my entire introduction. 

Also had a job interview today, and I really feel the person who I was talking to was a complete idiot, as it was clear to me they didn't want to do their job.

Tonight's stream opened with episode four The Expanse, and while it was nice, and had a puzzle that I couldn't figure out, it was painfully short. Telltale Games really dropped the ball in regards to giving players any sense of immersion beyond making the people get an idea of who Drummer is. You spend 90% of the episode alone, and the last 10% setting up the final episode which drops in two weeks time.

So with that done, we loaded up Gundam Evolution for the first time in 44 days, and runninginto instances of people leaving matches to have them thrown, we managed to win three games and got called the MVP! We did unlock the ability to play ranked matches, but no one was playing that mode, so we couldn't get any ranked achievements.

Our next stream is scheduled for 9:30 PM Eastern over on and we'll be starting up Horizon Zero Dawn. I see it has a 'Story' Difficulty, so we'll certainly be engaging the plot armor!

The Expanse: A Telltale Series Achievements

  • Drone Dodger: Made it past the Drones in the Mines without being caught
  • The Pit and the Pirates: Complete Episode 4 of The Expanse

Gundam Evolution Achievements

  • Rookie: Reach Player Level 10
  • Ace Pilot: Get MVP in a Casual or Ranked Match

For the raid went over to who was playing Starfield!

After 20+ years I finally found volumes 4 & 7 of the Resident Evil novels by SD Perry, so I now have the complete set!

Did some writing today, worked a bit on Chapter 4 of my Persona AU fic, as well as knocking out another commission based on the Spider-Man MCU films. Next commission request is Resident Evil

Saturday's stream may start a little late, I'm going to see if I can visit my brother's house that afternoon, 

Hope everyone has a good night!

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Resident Evil and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Work tonight was another challenging evening, granrted some folks were willing to do the study, but the stiff sample requirements are making things nearly impossible for me.

Tonight's stream saw Iceman and I finish Ada Wong's Campaign in Resident Evil 6, which was a lot of fun, as Ada's Chapters 3, 4 and 5 sync up with key moments in the Jake/Sherry, Chris/Piers and Leon/Helena campaigns. The big reveal that the fake Ada was basically the result of an unrequited love was interesting, but the real fun was seeing things from a different point of view in all three chapters.

Of course, I did get screwed out of two achievements not popping, one is a completing the game on amateur difficult and the other was for completing chapter 5... the funny thing is, the in-game badges menu indicates I did unlocked them bot, but not on the Xbox registry, which is really weird. So next week, we're going back into Resident Evil 6 to replay chapters 1 & 2 of the Jake/Sherry campaign, along with Chapter 5 of Ada's to get the obvious story ones that didn't pop.

Now Iceman and I ended up talking a lot about creating characters for video games in terms of immersion and the whole CM Punk fiascoe, plus our break down of the MLB standings, which was always a lot of fun.

My next scheduled stream is for 9:30 PM Eastern over on with the plan being to featured episode four of The Expanse: The Telltale Series, and pair it with like Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed or maybe even Gundam Evolution

Resident Evil 6 Achievements

  • This Takes Me Back: Complete Chapter 3 in Ada's campaign.
  • Ada's Demise: Complete Chapter 4 in Ada's campaign.
  • Rising Up: Earn a level-four title.

No formal raid tonight, I simply went over to to say hi and hang out for a bit!  

Did a fair bit of writing, finsihing a massive commission request featuring Harley Quinn and Lois Lane, then another one featuring Spider-Man. They client liked the Spider-Man story so much, the requested an instant follow up which I'll work on tomorrow!

Getting both stories done allowed me to order some take out from the 45th Street Pun over in Pennsauken, which has one the best damn burgers I've ever had.

And on that note, I'm heading to bed! Good night folks!

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Work tonight was another rough night, as the type of respondents we are looking far needs to fit a very narrow profile, then combine that with the natural language barrier... and yeah, it was rough.

Today's stream of Cyberpunk 2077 saw a nice mix of side stories and exploring the Badlands portion of the map, which gave me some real Borderlands vibes. Does make getting around a bit different than in the city portion, because we can off road. There were a few interesting moments, finding a dude in a 'cooler' who was a Netrunner, along with a complete noir style monologue from Johnny Silverhand that got pretty silly.

Our next stream  over on is slated for 9:30 PM Eastern on Wednesday with the plan to resume Resident Evil 6 with Iceman, picking up on Chapter 3 of Ada's campaign which. With luck we can knock out both Chapter 3 and Chapter 4, which would make for up nearly the whole stream.

For the raid we went over to who was playing Baulder's Gate 3

Did a lot of writing today, finishing the 7th story in a series of Resident Evil commissions that really cements my inability to try and make a coherent plot in this alternate universe, but at the very least I made sure to established that all the 'heroes' are basically villains...

Started work on a massive commission request based on Justice League Dark Apokolips War  to feature Harley Quinn and Lois Lane, with the goal to try and get it between 5000 and 6000 words. So far I have it at about 2800 words, So it should be possible, even if I have to put a lot padding to hit the target range. 

Also did a bit of writing on the fourth chapter of my Persona AU series, mostly to transition to the action set piece. 

Saw that the Phillies got blown out by the Padres, and so far they have lost 3 games here in September when they need to keep up their momentum that they had in August to make sure they make the playoffs.

And on that note, I hope you all have a good night!