Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Dental Notes and The Wrap Up Of Life Is Strange 2

Good morning everybody,

Yesterday afternoon I had my second Dental appointment in two weeks, and this was a heavy deep cleaning as a follow up to all the calculus removal last week. There were two things confirmed, one I have a real bad cavity on one tooth and the tooth cannot be saved, so it needs to be extracted... which will be done on the 25th of October. Also, normally I use the generic store brand mouth wash, but I was told to start using a much stronger variant called Chlorhexidine Gluconate, which I was given a prescription for. Now the thing is with it... I actually have to eat breakfast before I brush my teeth in the morning because the instructions say don't eat or drink for 30 minutes after using Chlorhexidine Gluconate...  so my routine each day has to be reversed.

Anyway, on to last night's stream where we finished up Life is Strange 2, and I'll try and be positive about this... because in the 5th and final episode, you could tell DONTNOD was trying to make up for a lot of the more idiotic choices they made regarding the plot and pacing. Much like Episode 3 where we have a fixed location for the majority of the episode with interesting characters to interact with. The little off the grid community of 'Away' fits the vibe perfectly of just wanting to separate from the bull shit of life as much as possible and just do your own thing... and the reunion of Sean and Daniel with Karen is really well played out perfectly, there was some nice call backs and fan service regarding David Madsen from the first Life is Strange game, and depending on if you Scarified Chloe or Arcadia Bay, you get some follow up to that decision. Hell the best part about that you can finally see that Chloe and David actually are getting along which makes perfect senses when you realize that David was trying to do the best he can being a step-father to a teenager who was angry at the world and lost people close to her.

Now fuck me for saying it, but if DONTNOD wasn't trying to be 'topical' and 'controversial' and shoving in as much references to Donald Trump's policies and the idiots who believe in his way of thinking, Life is Strange 2 could have been so much more heartfelt. The way I figure, a lot of the same story beats can be used, and Life is Strange 2 could have and should have been more about a story about putting the past beyond you and learning to forgive and putting the family back together certainly would have given this game the heart it certainly was lacking. The whole idea of going to Puerto Lobos following the death of Estaban could still be what gets the ball rolling, but the revelation that Karen could be found would have made for an excellent twist and a whole set of choices that could have made the endings more meaningful, and if anything else. Hell, the best ending would have resulted in a montage that could have involved a lot of the folks Sean and Daniel met along the way

Anyway, that's what I would have wanted to see, it would have given Life is Strange 2 more of a 'homeward bound' vibe that it clearly was missing. And let me point out something major that I said on stream, I hated the supposed best ending of the game, the Redemption ending, because it ends with Sean and Daniel separating even after Sean gets out of Prison, and by the logic of the DONTNOD, the only way they will stay together is if Sean turns Daniel into a living weapon of destruction, which is just idiotic to me.

Well thankfully this will be the last rant I'll do on Life is Strange 2... highly doubt I'd want to play it again since I was reluctant to do this 2nd play through of the console version!

Once we finished Life is Strange 2, we did do some bonus gaming with Forza Horizon 4, just doing a few races and stunts and stuff for an hour, nothing major, but made some progress on things in the Lega area of the game.

Following the stream we sent the fun over to Kalenal over at twitch.tv/kalenal who playing Final Fantasy XIV Online as well as doing a major dungeon run in Stream Raiders. Kalenal has been featuring Stream Raiders shortly after it launched last year, and she does a real good of keeping the Stream Raider battles flowing during her streams.

Life is Strange 2 Achievements

  1. Out Of Ink: Start any drawing in Episode 5
  2. The Magic Place: Find optional collectible #1 in Episode 5
  3. She Wolf: Find optional collectible #3 in Episode 5
  4. The Age Of Reason: Find optional collectible #2 in Episode 5
  5. Remorseful: Find optional collectible #4 in Episode 5
  6. Dead Man's Bones: Find optional collectible #5 in Episode 5
  7. Specks Of Dust: Find all optional collectibles in Episode 5
  8. Boundaries: Find optional collectible #6 in Episode 5
  9. Homeward Bound: Finish Episode 5
  10. Wolf Pack: Finish all Life is Strange 2 episodes
  11. All Roads Traveled: Unlock all Life is Strange 2 achievements

Twitch Clip Links

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 Daily Workout featured the Block Combo, Waist Shape Focus Combo and Hook Combo #1. The duration was 31 minutes with an estimate calorie burn of 473 kcal. If I guess right, we should hit day number 300 in a row around October 7th

Phillies lost to Baltimore 2-0 yesterday and that ends their season right there. Yes there are still some games left and they are not yet mathematically eliminated, but lets be serious, they are done. 

Put together a fic based on The Wolf Among Us that uses a half-baked what if involving Snow White and Bloody Mary... that is, they were working together to ensure Snow becomes the most powerful person in Fabletown and they celebrate their success. It can be found over on HF under my DiceCasden pen name.

For tonight's stream we may do some random gaming, as I don't think I want to start up something huge tonight, maybe we'll try and knock out another achievement or two in the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection? Who knows, but I'll figure something out!

Anyway on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!