Tuesday, December 14, 2021

You Got To Be Groot At What You Do

Good morning everybody,

I'm strongly considering adding Dragon Ball Z Abridged quotes to my stream deck's sound board...as I found a full playlist of them on YouTube the other day.

Anyway, last night's stream featured Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, and let me say it, there is a lot of parallels between some elements of it's story beats and quick time events and it's Telltale counterpart. Which is cool, as it would warrant an alternate play through to see how things shake out different based on dialog choices.

That said, I found its game play, graphics and sound mixing to be pretty damn good. Some of the dialog in combat situations can be a little (okay very) repetitive, but the fact that the other members of the team make fun of Starlord (the character we the players directly control) for wandering off more than makes up for it. Of course since I am streaming it, the games awesome licensed soundtrack can't be heard, but I am surprised that the use of the games own original 80s rock music isn't heard instead... so that would be the one downer.

In regards to the story, outside of the Guardians pissing off the Nova Corp at the very start by going to in a quarantine zone, and the loose plot point of a dude looking for 'god' in the quarantined area , everything in the first four chapters of the game feels like it's just a typical day. Of course when I wrapped up tonight's stream, it felt like those apparent loose plot threads will be back in full force!

Big thanks to Iceman7667 for renewing his sub to my Twitch Channel!

Following the stream we sent the fun over to LifeWithStan who was playing The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt over on twitch.tv/lifewithstan!

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Achievements

  1. Eat It, Rodent: Win the bet against Rocket.
  2. Self-Improvement: Purchase your first Star-Lord Ability.
  3. Llama Wrangler: Capture the Quarantine Zone monster.
  4. A Risky Gamble: Complete Chapter 1.
  5. Busted: Complete Chapter 2.
  6. Flash Freeze: Acquire the Ice Element for Star-Lord's guns.
  7. Stagger Swagger: Stagger 25 enemies.
  8. The Cost of Freedom: Complete Chapter 3.
  9. Killer Friendship: Execute an Auto-Combo with Gamora.
  10. Unstoppable Force: Attain the maximum possible Momentum 10 times.
  11. Katathian Handshake: Execute an Auto-Combo with Drax.
  12. Pick Me Up: Revive a fallen team member.
  13. Squid Kicker: Defeat the Dweller-in-Darkness.
  14. The Monster Queen: Complete Chapter 4.

Twitch Clip Links

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 Daily Workout featured Left-Right Step Combo, Double Combo #2 and Advanced Combo #2 for a duration of 31 minutes and a estimated calorie burn of 557 kcal.

Made more off-stream progress on the Jump Force achievements yesterday afternoon, outside of clearing 100 different Free Missions, I don't think any of the remaining achievements would be possible this week.

Jump Force Achievements

  1.  Upgrade Master: Performed 50 or more upgrades at the Upgrade Counter.

My off-stream Final Fantasy XIV adventures saw the focus on the Main Story Quests from "A Fresh Start' up through 'Paradise Fallen' which wrapped up the level 76-77 quests that were apart of the original Shadowbringers release. The dungeon, Malikah's Well and it's bosses were pretty straight forward. The solo quest in 'A Feast of Lies' was interesting in that it was a much more straight forward fight one on one against Ran'jiit... then again after facing him the other night only as Thancred, remember Ran'jiit's attack patterns when having the full use of my actual character was a walk in the park.

With luck I should have the level 78-80 quests that end with the actual quest called 'Shadowbringers' by the end of the week. We shall see, depending on long in queues and the stuff that I do on stream.

For tonight's stream we will continue Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy and continue to have a great time with it!

So on that note we'll see you later today over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!