Saturday, September 5, 2020

Quick Thoughts; Pulp Fiction

For this week's watch along over on my Discord Channel, we'd watch Pulp Fiction, which is probably the only film directed by Quentin Tarantino that I can say I enjoy from beginning to end that I can actually sit and re-watch. Not saying he makes bad movies, far from it, but Pulp Fiction hits the right beats with me that makes it very enjoyable.

The dialog is very sharp, and I can appreciate good writing and this movie has so many great lines that a major part of the official soundtrack for the film included lines from the film. I'll forever have the opinion that great writing will help an actor deliver a great performance, and Pulp Fiction is a prime example of it.

Now some people have some issues with Pulp Fiction because all the events are seen out of order, but that is a big part of what makes the movie great, because there is such a wide range of characters, that there was no way this film could work if seen in the natural order of events. Well in my opinion it wouldn't work as well... because the way characters are introduced and are not seen again would make things very disjointed and a lot of the callbacks and references made would lose meaning.

A lot of folks have the opinion that Samuel L. Jackson, John Travolta or Bruce Willis give the best performances in Pulp Fiction, and a strong case can be made for all three, but I can't help but feel that Uma Thurman gets overlooked, because her scenes are primarily associated with Travolta, but in there scenes she's the one bringing the personalty to his laid back / chilled vibe. Plus she blows him out of the water in the Jack Rabbit Slim dance contest. 

With these quick thoughts said, next week's planned watch along is Under Siege starring Steven Seagal and Tommy Lee Jones!

Fitness Boxing Results 9/5/20

 We started the day off strong!