Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Down A Tooth, Dragnet & Final Fantasy XIV...

 Good morning everybody,

Did not do a Twitch stream last night as the aftermath of having the tooth removed meant I had to switch out the gauze periodically.

So instead I did a watch along in my Discord of the movie Dragnet, starring Dan Aykroyd and Tom Hanks. I remember watching this movie a lot as kid, as we had a VHS tape of it. Using the corrupt nature of the 'moral outrage' leaders of the time, the plot sees Detective Sargent Joe Friday and his new partner tackle a series of crimes all connected to extortion, kidnapping and murder.

While in many way a parody of the radio drama and TV show of the same name created by Jack Webb, the 1987 movie is also a great tribute as well, as Aykroyd's impression of Webb speaking manner was on point, plus Tom Hanks' Pep Streebeck serves as a nice comedic counter balance. There are a few easter eggs in the film as well, from the obvious photo of Jack Webb on the desk, to a publicity shot of Harry Morgan and Jack Webb seen in Morgan's character of Captain Gannon... as Morgan co-starred on one iteration of the TV series.

Also the original sound track and score for Dragnet is pure 80s goodness in terms of a rock sound, particularly during a few of the action scenes (such as when Friday and Pep are chasing Muzz for the first time, the escape from the People Against Goodness and Normalcy festival, etc).   

Thank you to everyone who popped into the Discord to watch along, helped take my mind off of the fact I'm missing apart of myself!

Prior to heading out to the Dentist for the removal of a molar... I did get in some Final Fantasy XIV, mostly because I had time to fill, and I did a 'quick alliance', and a few main story quests, as things seem to be picking up with the Ishgard being a major focal point while the turmoil happening in Ul'dah seems to have the long term slow build to it as it seems to be transitioning from a monarchy or a republic. Moenbryda seemed to be a real cool character.... and then when I got back home from the Dentist... I put in more time on FF14 to keep my mind off of things.

I continued playing almost non-stop from about 8:30 PM to 2:45 AM, and dealt with dragons, immortals and then witness once of the biggest what the fuck moments I have ever seen in a video game, with the coup that takes place at the every end of A Realm Reborn in patch 2.55, which sees our hero being separated from the comrades I've come to know and like. I didn't have time to completely close it out before Fin

So what was it like to have a tooth pulled? Well for one I had heavily before hand so I wouldn't feel like eating afterward... they had to use two shots of the anesthetic to get me to feel numb... and the pressure of it being pulled out hurt like hell, so thank goodness for the anesthetic. Here were the instructions i was given.

Instructions Following Tooth Extraction and Oral Surgery

  1. Your mouth will be 'asleep' for about 2 hours after surgery. Do not chew anything 2 hours or bite your tongue or lips while 'asleep'
  2. Keep the gauze pac on the surgical site for half hour, and do not spit or rinse for 24 hours
  3. Bleeding should normally be light when gauze is removed after 2 hours, do not disturb site, do not put anything on the site or on your face, it will heal by itself (No Hot or No Cold packs)
  4. Pain should be controlled by over the counter meds like ES Tylenol, Motrin or Aleve, do not use any med containing aspirin (No Excedrin, Bayer, etc). If your surgery was extensive, Take the prescription medication prescribed by the dentist
  5.  You should Avoid Smoking for 3 days, if at all possible, smoking is the main cause of Dry Socket, a condition where the bone does not heal normally and may get infected and be very painful as a result
  6. Slight swelling may occur with more extensive surgery starting after surgery and continuing for 3 days. This may be normal but if accompanied by fever or if very swollen and not getting better after 3rd day, it requires a return visit to be checked by the dentist for infection or dry socket condition
  7. Do not stop eating, nutrition is important for healing. Eat soft or light good on the other side and drink fluids. In other words, eat and drink as normally as possible but stay away from the surgical site
  8. If any unusual symptoms occur, call or come into office for evaluation

I can safely say Tylenol does a hell of a job of masking the pain, and I feel the minor bleeding stopped around 7 hours after the dental visit... hopefully today won't be too bad.  When I woke up there was no noticeable pain, just a bit of soreness as it appears to be closing up. 

Finally, after 15+ years, added volume six of Chrono Crusade to my DVD collection, meaning I just need to track down volume 7 to complete the set! Also we added a physical copy of The Wolf Among Us for the Xbox One.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout lasted 34 minutes with the following exercises: Difficult Challenge Combo #2, Difficult Challenge Combo 31 and Difficult Challenge Combo #3 for an estimated calorie burn of 631 kcal.

For tonight's stream we'll be playing Big Rumble Boxing Creed Champions, going through the Arcade Mode for several characters to unlock stuff and possible get achievements! Plus PowerThumbz and Iceman are probably doing some Division stuff so we might join them around the 10 PM hour mark, so it might be a fairly long stream for a Tuesday. Which means using both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One... should be interesting.

So on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!