Tuesday, January 25, 2022

I actually liked Battletoads!

Good morning everyone,

I wonder what work has in store for me today, as I look at my bank account to see how badly it was hit because of paying taxes owed. 

Anyway, back in December there was a stream where I took a look at Battletoads and liked enough of what I saw to say it will be a game featured in 2022. Well that was the case for last night's stream which indeed featured Battletoads, and outside of the lack of online multiplayer, it was a fine little game. Took me about 4 hours to get through it on the lowest difficulty, but even then a number of the game play elements that take place in it means that a better game would probably have the same time playing through it on a harder setting/ How do I figure that? Because the game is not a straight beat 'em up.

No... Battletoads has a number of different game play gimmicks in it: Beat 'em up, platforming, quick time events, bullet hell shooters... just to name a few... and this would explain why there would not be online multiplayer, since the game couldn't be synced up enough for everyone to handle all the different gimmicks that take place after Act 2. 

That said, I really enjoyed the art style, the voice acting, and for the most part the game play... there were a couple of things I thought that were just bad. Also the music is rather generic and repetitive.  But what makes this game great is the story which does a really good job of taking the fact that the Battletoads franchise has basically been dead since the early 90s, and so giving it a new lease on life was pretty cool. I really liked the Dark Queen as former nemesis turned ally, it added some nice comedic moments... not to mention her personalty was a breath of fresh air compared to that of Rash and Zits... Pimple was okay in my book.

Would I recommend Battletoads? Yes I would, but I would suggest playing it if you have folks who can join you for in-person three person co-op, because I bet a lot of stuff in this would be a blast with two other players involved!

For the raid, the fun was sent over to Hawleigh who was playing Horizon Zero Dawn over on twitch.tv/hawleigh!

Battletoads Achievements

  • Special Effects: Used 200 Toad Abilities.
  • Scratching an Itch: Got all collectables in a level.
  • Straight-A Student: Earned 20 'A' Ranks from encounters.
  • Mighty Morphing: Finished off 200 enemies with morph attacks.
  • Enough Toying Around: Discovered the Queen's Secret Lair.
  • Should Get the Pants First: Reunited with an old frenemy.
  • Came, Sawed, Conquered: Showed the Lumberjacks who's boss.
  • Logged Out: Recovered the first Medallion of Respect.
  • A Test of Medal: Recovered the second Medallion of Respect.
  • Jeff of a Sleighsman: Escaped from Jercury Nine.
  • Thoroughly Tested: Destroyed 50 enemies in space combat.
  • We Were Provoked: Successfully trialed the ship's weapons.
  • Making Progress: Got a total of 25 collectables.
  • Learning the Ropes: Took the first steps on a mountain hike.
  • STREET JUSTICE!: Taught some litterbugs a lesson.
  • Hiking With Friends: Continued towards the mountain summit.
  • A Mountain Sense of Unease: Reached the peak of the mountain.
  • Photobombed: Took an enemy's photo when it's in warning distance.
  • With Friends Like These…: Had a falling-out with your friends.
  • Be Tight: Defeated the Jasonians without any restarts.
  • Galaxy's Most Wanted: Had a run-in with the authorities.
  • Rebooting Battletoads: Repaired the ship in the nick of time.
  • You're Dead, You Ding-Dongs!: You agreed to be the Topians' puppets.
  • Hit The Drop: Freefell more than 10 metres while escaping the enema.
  • The Enema of My Enemy: Escaped from Topian Captivity. Ew.
  • Drawn Together, Tornado Apart: Battled with the revitalised Dark Queen.
  • Re-Cycled: Escaped from a Topian nightmare.
  • Never Did Get That Sandwich: Put an end to the tyranny of the Topians.
  • Season Two When?: You completed the story! Nice.
  • Extra Credit: Watched the credits.

Twitch Clip Links

  1. Achievement: Photobombed
  2. Guile's Theme Goes With Battletoads! 
  3. The Fight Against Utopia
  4. The Big Finish

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Hook Combo #2, Font-Back Step Combo and Beginner Combo #1 for a duration of 28 minutes resulting in a calorie burn of 459 kcal.

Knocked out a huge chunk of the CASPO grind last night thanks to 1942 being apart of this week's Bonus Campaign, which meant instead of 38,000 per 10 Million Points thanks to the end game bonus of 1942, it was like it was 75,000. So we ended up at 97,000,000 CAPSO... so chances are I'll be able to knock out the rest after tonight's stream.

So what  did I end up watching while that grind was taking place? A Fistful of Dollars, starring Clint Eastwood, which ran for an hour and forty minutes. It is really cool to see 'Joe' play both sides to basically reunite a family, have a hell of a showdown and basically inspire the showdown for Back to the Future III... since this is the movie where hiding a piece of armor under a poncho originated. Got  to love the use of the theme throughout the film as well.

Made some more progress into Endwalker for Final Fantasy XIV, with the quest 'In The Dark of the Tower', being the one that featured The Tower of Zot dungeon... it was interesting, I found the first of the three boss fights in it was the most difficult... which is saying something considering the third boss fight has all that AOE damage spam. Loved 'The Color of Joy' quests which sees the Warrior of Light and the Scions sit down and have a nice little dinner. Also if Alisae doesn't like pickles... but will steal chocolate chip cookies... this is good info to know from a lore building perspective.

For tonight's stream we'll be going back to Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe to play the Mortal Kombat side of the story, and also do some arcade runs!

So on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)