Wednesday, August 3, 2022

More Mass Effect 3

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Mass Effect 3 was a lot of fun, as we took our time and tried to tackle many things from different parts of the game, such as N7 Missions, Exploration and the main story, plus just roaming around on the Citadel and other stuff that leads to me just having play through last longer than needed. The big thing we did do was to knock out the Turian missions on Tuchanka so that we don't have the 'bomb' mission to worry about as I go take care of other things. This will help in a big way when it comes to just making sure everything possible gets done without being rushed. 

Of course, we did have a number of chuckles with some favorite moments (Wrex's air drop, Grunt being reunited with his 'mama', and getting Liara to meet her father), and we've banged out several achievements... including one that involved getting armor that was DLC for Mass Effect 2. Also noticed on a lof the screenshots, that the 360 version of Mass Effect 3 has darker lighting than the PC (Origin) and Legendary Edition versions. 

I will try and put some time into the Mass Effect Galaxy at War gimmick to see if I can knock out its associate achievement, but that may prove to be a bit problematic considering how EA's N7HQ website was never all that reliable.

Big thank you to the those in the chat that kicked in 300 bits during the stream. The continued support is always appreciated!

Mass Effect 3 Achievements

  • Liberator: Stop a Cerberus kidnapping.
  • Always Prepared: Obtain two non-customizable suits of armor.
  • Pyromaniac: Set 100 enemies on fire with powers.
  • World Shaker: Destroy an Atlas dropped from orbit.
  • Tunnel Rat: Survive the swarm.
  • Giant Killer: Defeat a harvester.
  • Sky High: Lift 100 enemies off the ground with powers.
  • Tourist: Complete one multiplayer match or two N7 missions.

Twitch Clips

For the raid, we sent the fun over to Joliet4 who was doing a music stream over at! 

Got an email from Xfinity's Executive Customer Relations Department asking me to reach out to them regarding the issues I was having... goes to show, to make them do anything, just contact the FCC. Speaking of which, last night's stream saw three interruptions, and this morning was plagued with several issues... I attempted to call the persona assigned to this case but got their voice mail 1/2 a dozen times as well.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 featured Front-Back Step Combo, Triple Combo #2 and Defensive Combo #2 for 28 minutes. Today marked 600 days in a row of Fitness Boxing 2, 758 when also including the original Fitness Boxing

Kudos to voters in the state of Kansas to up hold abortion rights.

Work really dragged yesterday, as one of my least favorite assignments rolled in... and let me state, I'm not the biggest fan of Business to Business research because of how unprofessional people are. 

Vin Scully the long time voice of the Dodgers has passed away, I believe there are no more classic era announcers left with any of the major league teams at this point. 

Got another commission story request, looking for a cross over between WWE and Fox Sports which shall prove a challenge to make work. Hopefully I can come up with something solid. 

Cosmetic surgery used to be taboo, but now when you talk about Botox no one raises an eyebrow.

Did you hear the one about the three watering holes in the ground? Well, well, well.

Song of the Day: Do I Wanna Know by the Arctic Monkeys 

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:   

Iceman informed me he will not be able to take part in this week's mid-week shenanigans, so I think I might take a break from Fallout 76, and do something random. Not sure what that will be at this point and time.

So on that note we'll see you later over on

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)