Sunday, March 7, 2021

Today's Notes 3/7/21

Good afternoon everybody,

Last night's stream of Zero Escape Virtue's Last Rewards was real productive in getting things advanced towards the ending, as found the path that leads to the true ending and unlocked the information needed not only to deal with the anti-matter bombs that lead to the true ending but to also resolve the issues regarding Quark and Luna's endings as well. For all intents and purposes we should be able to wrap up Zero Escape Virtue's Last Rewards at the end of this week. We might end up moving it to Friday night because there may night be enough content left to max out a full 4-5 hour long stream, and for archive purposes I don't want to bog it down by pairing it with something else.

For tonight's stream, well it's Sunday night which means Overwatch is on the agenda. There isn't any in-game events happening this week, which means we can just focus on playing the game and not worry about pressing for wins. 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 session was another long one, which mean no progression was made in terms of doing 'extra exercises' to count towards doing Free Exercises with Janice. Still the workout itself was over 45 minutes and that's not counting the time spent towards stretching. I am considering for Monday's extra stream to have the daily work out be shorter to maybe do some extra exercises... but I'm up in the air on that. More than likely it'll be a longer style session.

Since I stream on Twitch, obviously the whole 'Boycott Amazon' issue has got my attention... but let me ask you something, why would I, as someone who has been able to earn additional income from streaming on Twitch, want to Boycott Amazon in support of people in Alabama who voted for Tommy Tuberville, a man who has proven to be anti-Trans and has a platform so out-dated it would make the corpse of Ronald Reagan go 'get with the times'.  Let me remind people that my day job involves Market Research, and a lot of that involved interviewing people for political polls, and many of which were focused on the state of Alabama. The only reason Tuberville got elected to the United States Senate is because of the hicks in Alabama liked him as Football Coach, and that's a fucking fact.

It appears Comcast, my internet service provider is having issues this afternoon... which is always frustrating to see just a few hours from the start of a stream. 

Anyway we'll see you later today over on!

Highlights for the week of February 28, 2021

 Here are the best moments from my streams over on for the week of February 28, 2021! This week we featured Overwatch (both on PC and Nintendo Switch), Dragon Age Inquisition, Fitness Boxing 2 Rhythm and Music, Super Mario Bros 35, ESPN Major League Baseball, Star Trek Online, Hades and Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)