Sunday, June 5, 2022

Another Night of Persona 5 Royal

Good afternoon,

For last night's stream, well we did a back to back night of Persona 5 Royal, as we covered several weeks of in-game content, getting the last couple of Confidants maxed out, plus several trips into Mementos and getting different things done, plus other things while reaching December 24th... which meant we started what was the end game stuff of the original Persona 5. We tacked the first half of it, which mean seeing that who we thought was Igor was not Igor... and seeing the big commentary on the game is how easily society can just settle into just wanting things to be the same no matter how beneficial changing things for the better can improve things for all.

So this means, the next time we play Persona 5 Royal, we'll be heading into the final dungeon and boss battles of the original game plus everything that covers the end of the year and start of the Royal story content. Should be pretty interesting,  

Persona 5 Royal Trophies

  • Unsurpassed Rebel: Conquered the Reaper.
  • Cruiser of Pride: Capsized: Completed the cruise ship Palace.

Twitch Clips

For the raid, we dropped in on Chem_Ron who was also playing Persona 5 Royal over at!  

Now some may ask why wasn't last night a random night... we, we did a random night of gaming earlier in the week, plus I didn't have any of my three wireless controllers for the PS3, Xbox One or Xbox Series console charged. Of course that raises the question of why didn't I do something on the Nintendo Switch and well, I didn't want to start something up on a Saturday. 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Straight Combo #2, Block Combo and Hip Shape Focus Combo for a solid 30 minutes.

My fantasy baseball team had a solid week, as of 12:45 PM Eastern today, they batted .276 (56/203) with 35 runs scored, 11 home  runs and 38 RBI, but no stolen bases. In 38 innings pitched, there were 2 wins, 1 save, 39 strikeouts with an ERA of 4.03 and a WHIP of 1.08. 

It's the start of a new week, which means a recap of everything we featured last week which included: Overwatch, Lego Batman: The Video Game, Golden Axe: Beast Rider, Legends of Wrestlings, Marvel vs Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes, Rocky Legends, Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, Ghostbusters: The Video Game, Final Fantasy XIV and Persona 5 Royal!


Sega announced the 'Mega Drive / Genesis Mini 2' and you can call me impressed, as finally Sega is starting to do more with it's library as this version will actually included games from the Sega CD era of gaming, which includes Shining Force CD, Mansion of Hidden Souls and more. It is speculated that Sega's next Mini console will feature a proper mix of games from not only the Sega CD era side, but also the Genesis itself and also the 32X. As I've stated every so often, Sega has a really rich history of gaming and its a shame they rarely do anything with their history.

Had to get on Comcast Xfinity case again yesterday afternoon regarding some instability in my Internet Service, which not only effects my streaming on Twitch but also working during the day.

For tonight's stream, it's Sunday which means Overwatch is on deck! So on that note we'll see you in later