Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Lara Croft Is Basically Searching For The Holy Grail

Good morning everybody,

Work was a little short yesterday, but we got one assignment done that probably hung around a day or two longer than it needed to, and I did over production because of the shorter time frame, so it works out a bit for me!

Last nights stream of Rise of the Tomb Raider brought forth a realization... the Divine Source is basically the Holy Grail, and in several regards Rise of the Tomb Raider could be compared to Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade, with how Lara is like Indy and following the path their father's started. That said, I don't think Indy quite has Lara body count in said adventures. That said... Jacob is so obviously the Prophet that it does make Lara seem rather silly when she sees a mural of him and doesn't put two and two together.

While little was learned about what the Divine Source really is, it's dangers are quite clear not to mention Lara feeling conflicting about what she wants and what is the right thing. There were several night action set pieces, and a handful of deaths.... one of which involved a bear. Now why is it the bears can eat so much ammo... I don't get it, particularly when shooting them in the face! 

Where we ended up in the story was heading towards a Archive where a map is supposed to be, and if this is anything like Tomb Raider (2013), then the Deathless Ones are going to be like Stormguard, ancient warriors that may be a pain in the ass to deal with... which probably means the shotgun is going to really come in handy. We'll see about that when Rise of the Tomb Raider is resumed on Monday's stream!

We pick up a new follower last night, vVRTRA, thank you for joining the crew!

Big thanks to Evilmher for the huge raid that actually extended my stream last night. Evilmher was playing  Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master over at

Following the stream we sent the fun over to LifeWithStan who started playing The Witcher 3 over at!

Rise of the Tomb Raider Achievements

  1. Truth Seeker: Collect 25% of all narrative assets (relics, murals, and documents)
  2. Firestarter: Defeat two enemies or more using a single Molotov Cocktail
  3. Fluent: Reach max proficiency in one language
  4. Good Samaritan: Complete 3 Missions
  5. Taking the High Road: Light the signal fire in the Remnant Valley
  6. Fall Guys: Kill 10 enemies by shooting them in the leg
  7. Weaponsmith: Fully upgrade one weapon
  8. A Helping Hand: Defend the Remnants from the Trinity invasion
  9. English Pedigree: Headshot an enemy with an arrow from a distance beyond 25m

Twitch Clip Links

Successfully tracked  down brand new factory sealed copies of ESPN NHL Hockey for the PlayStation 2 and Jump Force of the PlayStation 4. The reason for adding both is this, first I thought I still had my original copy of ESPN NHL Hockey, but I probably traded that in for when ESPN NHL 2K5 came out... and as far as Jump Force is concerned, since it was announced for de-listing next year, figure it would be good to grab a copy that could potentially rise in value due to the nostalgia market, but that seems unlikely because of the general response to the game upon its initial release.

My Final Fantasy XIV saw basically the first half of the level 68-70 quests knocked out from The First of Many up to the start of The Price of Freedom, so the big things is that we saw Zenos have Fordola go through a procedure involving the captive Krile that seems to have given her the echo, then have her order a giant cannon to be fired at their own troops and basically set up for the next big push to capture the place where the cannon was fired from. Lyse is now defacto leader of the resistance, and everything is getting to where I'll have a show down with Zenos... in what will obviously be a trial... so that should be unpleasant. 

That said some of the side quests to get the Aether currents in The Peaks region are way to spread out to where you it's a pain to get to where you need to be. Square Enix really makes you earn flying... I'm really hoping that Shadowbringers is a little more resonable like how Heavansward was in terms of getting the Aether currents... and yes I am aware there is another area in Stormblood that I have not reached yet that has another set of Aether currents to find and I'm dreading that!

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Difficult Challenge Combo #1, Difficult Challenge Combo #3 and Difficult Challenge Combo #2 for a duration of 34 minutes and a estimated calorie burn of 641 kcal.

I also recently reached out to Imagineer, the developer and publisher of Fitness Boxing 2, asking on if there any achievements being added because of the recent addition as 'Guy' as the trainer. Here is their direct reply.

Thank you for using the additional instructor 'Guy'.

There are no plans for additional costumes or achievements regarding the inquiries.

Thank you for your understanding.

We look forward to your continued support of our software.


I wasn't expecting to actually get a response from them, but I'll just assume because their website is in Japanese, and requites Google Translate to navigate it, they felt compelled to respond. After all, how many Americans are contacting them about Fitness Boxing 2? Now this reply was received via email, but I shall not post their email address

For tonight's stream, well at 9 PM Iceman will be joining us once again as we start up Gears of War 4! But for the first half of the stream, we may just mess around with something random! Not sure exactly what yet, but we'll be up to something!

So on that note, we'll see you later over on!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)