Monday, February 6, 2023

Getting the ball rolling on a new week

Good afternoon everyone,

Yesterday was a good day, spoke to Bianca, who is my mom's niece, and had a nice chat about different things. Also spoke with my brother regarding the water heater situation, so we have a few options, we'll see what's its like through PSE&G before making a final decision in that regard.

Also something that came up in conversation with my brother were the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as he was playing the Cowabunga Collection with his family the other night... and it reminded me of the nearly forgotten games based on the 2003 series. Now despite one PS2 refusing to send a signal (as seen on Saturday night), I hooked up the other PS2 (the slim one), so on Saturday we'll take a look at one of the TMNT games from the PS2 era, in addition to doing other things.

Did get some positive news this morning, granted I had to wake up at 7 AM to place request for a call back just see what the hold up was on some things!

Last night's stream of Overwatch 2 was a lot of fun, we were joined by PandaSweet for nearly never single match, and we had a pretty good balance of wins and losses. I picked up one Play of the Game as Junkrat, also used characters like Junker Queen, Orisa, Ana, Mei, Solider 76, Torbjourn, and several others.

I did realize that I did not put together the video collecting all of January's Plays of the Games, so I took care of that straight away following the stream. That's in addition to the highlight reel that goes onto the Facebook page

For the raid we dropped in on MissCammi316 as they were playing Dead By Daylight over at Cammi also shared her condolences regarding mom's recent passing, as she just found out.

Finished writing a new Mass Effect commission request this morning, because I woke up unusually early, and got another request to continue. I can safely say writing the Mass Effect short stories are a lot more fun than writing anything based on WWE.

FNDanteSavage was streaming this morning playing Dead Space, and its always awesome to see him broadcasting when he can over on

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Double Combo #1, Body Uppercut Combo and Body Straight Combo.

"What did Baby Corn say to Mama Corn?" "Where's Pop Corn?"

Song of the Day: Me Rehuso by Danny Ocean

I did make up my mind that following Saints Row, WWE 2K22 will be the next Monday and Tuesday game. It does have a story mode, but we'll see about getting a number of basic achievements as well. Kind of fitting since WWE 2K23 is about to be released next month, so giving the older game the spotlight seems fitting. 

And speaking of Saints Row, For tonight's stream, we're getting back to it as we'll focus on expanding the Saints control over the town. 

So on that note we'll see you later over on