Thursday, November 18, 2021

Kart Racing, Gears of War and Stormblood!

Good morning everybody,

Yesterday was work day that wasn't a work day so figure that out... but funny enough, I didn't get confirmation I would be working today until after I woke up... again, figure that out.

Anyway last night's stream lead off with Nickelodeon Kart Racers 2: Grand Prix, as we did a bunch of the cup races and unlocked several characters to use down the line. Haven't played it in months, but it was pretty fun to get back into it, using Korra as my main to get things done, we might actually play it against next week... I would like to get 3 stars on all the cups on the normal difficulty setting, so that is something to shoot for!

In the second half of the stream, Iceman joined in as we started up Gears of War 4, and it was nice to do this with a buddy, we tackled Acts I and II, and while I knew I was going to play as J.D., I'm surprised Iceman had Kait, who I didn't think would be the lead companion character over Dean. Managed to find a lot of collectables I missed in my first play through, but not everything in the first two Acts of the campaign... so much like with the other Gears games, a justified reason to play it again down the line! 

Following the stream we sent the fun over to Oldish22 who was playing Halo: Infinite over at

Nickelodeon Kart Racers 2: Grand Prix Achievements

  1. We're in This Together!: Activate 100 chief skills
  2. Fly Superthing, Fly!: Perform 25 jump boosts in a single race

Gears of War 4 Achievements

  1. And Both of Us Are Back: Completed the Prologue in Co-op (any difficulty)
  2. Come And Knock on My Door: Completed one Act in Co-op Campaign
  3. Becoming Brothers: Completed two Campaign Acts in Co-op (any difficulty)
  4. Hi, Mom: You visited Anya's Grave in Campaign. Inspired by the community.

Twitch Clip Links

My Final Fantasy XIV adventures saw the march towards the end of Stormblood (aka Patch 4.0), a large chunk done yesterday afternoon, picking up with The Price of Freed and going through to The Resonant. I have to say the Castrum Abania dungeon felt a little underwhelming as I was expecting to face and defeat Fordola there... but I had to wait until The Resonant to take her down, and to rescue Krile as well.That said, I have to say finding the Aether currents in the Lochs was a lot more aggravating than it needed to be with one requiring to go to the middle of the map to find a tunnel that leads to the northwest corner of the map in order to reach it... then this is compounded by the fact that there are a lot of places to fall from an elevated position, but not many ways to get back up where you need to be easily.

Of course after the stream, I went on to wrap up Stormblood and man, waiting for the queues for the final dungeon and trial made it a lot longer than it needed to be. I am rather surprised that Zenos merged with a Primal was the Trial and not taking him on directly, which was the dungeon. I mean, it makes sense considering we've seen that gimmick several times, but to me, a more one on one battle would have been a bit more satisfying considering the two times he kicked our butt for story purposes. Still... sad to see the Yda/Lyse will be no longer apart of the on going adventures, but Stormblood was really her story of growing out of her sister's shadow and being on par with the other major leaders within the game.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 Daily Workout featured Triple Combo #2, Intermediate Combo #1 and Biceps Shape Focus Combo for a duration of 31 minutes and an estimated calorie burn of 513 kcal

For tonight's stream we'll resume Jump Force, with the real focus being on the campaign and getting things done! We'll worry about the online matches hopefully long before the game's servers shut down in August of next year!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)