Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Today's Notes 6/22/21: The Reapers Have Arrived

Good morning everybody,

Yesterday things got interesting with a circuit breaker being tripped, certainly lead to me figuring out how to make things cool without stressing the wiring of the house! It lead to a slight delayed to the start of the stream, but not much of one.

Anyway, last night's stream saw the start up of Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition, and I'm probably going to be taking my time with this one more sore than the first two games because of finding every damn item in space with the notes I used from the prior runs on PC. There are way too many awesome visuals in ME3 so I find myself stopping to see if something is screenshot worthy, and I posted a bunch over on Twitter.

In terms of the game itself, we basically did the intro, roamed the Citadel and Normandy and managed to pick up Garrus on the Turian moon. We also knocked out a bunch of achievements because I want to try and be as efficient as possible with everything being done on stream, so that meant one side quest plus going around the galaxy to find stuff and talking to everyone while exhausting conversation options!. Here's the list of what we accomplished:

  1. Driven: ME3: Return to active duty
  2. Focused: ME3: Evolve any of your powers to rank 6
  3. Bringer of War: ME3: Chase down an assassin
  4. Shopaholic: ME3: Visit a store on the Citadel
  5. A Personal Touch: ME3: Modify a weapon
  6. Untouchable: ME3: Escape a Reaper in the galaxy map
  7. Lost and Found: ME3: Dispatch 10 probes to retrieve people or resources in Reaper territory
  8. Eye of the Hurricane: ME3: Kill a brute while it's charging you
  9. Mobilizer: ME3: Bring a veteran officer aboard

And of course we have a several clips from last night as well which I'll listed next:

Twitch Clip: Hello Legs

Twitch Clip: Shepard Meets The Press 3

Twitch Clip: Achievement: Untouchable

Twitch Clip: Battle on the Turrian Moon!

Twitch Clip: EDI Tells A Joke

In terms of where we'll be picking up, for Tuesday's night stream we're heading to Grissom Academy first to rescue Jack and then we'll do the mission to pick up Javik and see what various things we can knock out as well. 

Also I need to mess around with the Noise Gate in OBS to try and cut down on the noise caused by my fans.

Anyway we added four games to the collection yesterday: Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex for the PS2, Ghostbusters (2016) for the PS4, Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity for the Nintendo Switch and Final Fantasy Anthology for the PS1

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 session lasted 31 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 539 kcal. The exercises were Intermediate Combo #1, Triple Combo #2 and Biceps Shape Focus Combo. Mistimed a few jabs and a couple of uppercuts but otherwise a solid workout effort I think. We are now up to 73 out of 100 for the Laura's Best Friend achievement. 

And on that note we'll see you later tonight for more Mass Effect fun over on twitch.tv/fredcasden

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)