Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Finished New Tales From The Borderlands... Now What

Good morning everyone,

Work was rather bleh... the sample we're having to work with is horrible, whoever put it together did a horrible job in my not so humble opinion.

Last night's stream of New Tales From The Borderlands certainly lasted longer than I thought, because Episodes 4 and 5 had a lot more plot heavy and extended scenes, that matched the timed it took to get through the first three episodes the previous night. That said, I am more than satisfied with it, not to thrilled with Stapleface being killed off for narrative purposes... but the fact that the choices made during the episodes really effect the outcome involving who lives in terms of the main characters certainly warrants future play throughs (at least 4 from what I understand)

Some things I missed were the Vault figures, as I know I missed opportunities to find them and I think one major choices in the 5th episode leads to an option of earning a few. The biggest problem with getting the other endings is that some very specific choices needs to be done.

That said, I think for me the most important aspect was the reveal that Fiona from the original 'Tales From The Borderlands', gets a cameo that sets up future adventures... as one of my biggest disappointments from the character reveals for Borderlands 3 was that Fiona didn't have a cameo of any kind. Still hearing the familiar voice of Laura Bailey certainly was cool.

New Tales from the Borderlands Achievements

  • You Poor Now!: Spend the money from Sink or Swim.
  • You Got the Goods, Kid: Nail a perfect, sexy dance.
  • Mas, Por Favor: Wish for more tacos.
  • The Shardmenstration: Complete Episode 4.
  • Tale in the Toilet: Reach a Tale Over for the first time.
  • Totally Intentional: Fail an action for the first time.
  • Those Were the Days...: Win the retro battle.
  • And Still Champion...: Win every Vaultlanders battle.
  • Super Trusting Friend!: Perform every background check.
  • ...To Heroes: Complete Episode 5.
  • Hey, Thanks!: Watch the credits after finishing the game.

For the raid we dropped in on PrincessPashley during their music stream over at 

The plan for tonight's stream is the usual Wednesday night split between Fall Guys and Resident Evil 5, with the goal of maybe getting chapter 3 done in that with Iceman. We'll see if we have any luck in that regard.

Now question is... what game will replace New Tales From The Borderlands in the line up... well, this Thursday we'll be starting up Alice: Madness Returns. I have played the PC version before, but this time we'll be playing the Xbox 360 version for... you guest it... achievement purposes. Plus its a neat game. Monday and Tuesday's game will be Zorro: The Chronicles... because...why not. It looks like it should take me at least two full streams to play through.  Plus since we got Spider-Man, I really don't want to start up another massive open world game at this point

Unwisely, I did two more runs in Hades last night... did get another achievement which kind of made it worth it.

Hades Achievements

  • Slashed Benefits: Fulfill the 'Slashed Benefits' Prophecy

Surprised the Phillies managed to win a game after being smacked around in the first four games of the season. Can already tell it's going to be a long 2023 in South Philly.

So on that note we'll see you later over on