Sunday, December 11, 2022

Random Saturday Was Random

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream had a weird moment where the stream restarted, there was a very brief period of frame drops and the upstream was unstable, which was just weird. Nothing like that happened since last Saturday night.

Anyway, we featured three games last night, the first being DKO: Divine Knockout and we dedicate mostly the entire first half of the stream to it, playing as Athena, who has a pretty cool kit, and we ended up winning quite a few matches, which considering they are best three out of five, is saying a lot. Of all the game modes, I despise the 'Gather Coins To Put In The Chest' one.... but the others like Knockout, King of the Hill and Oddball are all incredibly fun. Also picked up quite a few achievements.

Divine Knockout Achievements

  • PvE'd: Achieved 'PvE'd'
  • Divine Knock Out!: Achieved 'Divine Knock Out!'
  • Damage Dealer Silver: Achieved 'Damage Dealer Silver'
  • KO Collection Silver: Achieved 'KO Collection Silver'
  • The Penta-Ultimate: Achieved 'The Penta-Ultimate'

Next we played MultiVersus, and I mostly stuck to using Harley Quinn and Wonder Woman, winning a fair amount of matches. Played one match as Tom & Jerry, winning that one. Luckily was able to get into an auto-formed team to make some headway towards the play 500 matches in a party achievement.

Lastly we played Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed, got in one match as a ghost... and nearly won but ended up taking a wrong turn and got trapped at the literal last second. Had several successful matches as a Ghostbuster, and managed to pick up one achievement in it.

Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed Achievements

  • Icing on the Cake: Pass Through a Buster to fully slime them down

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on apolloxvoicex who was playing DKO Divine Knockout over at!  

Learned that one of my uncles was a professional boxer back in the early 1980s, which was pretty cool. He fought in 19 bouts, won 17 of them... and the other 2 matches were a draw.

Managed to score a couple of King Crazy ranked performances in Persona 5 Dancing the last couple of nights off-stream. Granted it and its Persona 3 counterpart both have the auto-scratch option.

Nearly finished the short story commission for a WWE story featuring Sarah Logan, I'll have it done before dinner for sure, and I better put the notes together for the obvious follow up based on Teagon Nox's return two weeks ago.

Happy Birthday to my father who turns 67 years old today. Talked to him earlier, and he's doing all right, he's pleased about the a college football team where he lives being in a playoff situation... means free drinks every time they score a touchdown at the local bar.

It's the start of a new week, so let's recap what we played last week which was Overwatch 2, Pokemon Violet, Game of Thrones; A Telltale Series, Commander Keen in Keen Dreams Definitive Edition, Fall Guys, Fallout 76, Final Fantasy XIV, Persona 4: Dancing All Night, DKO: Divine Knock Out, MultiVersus & Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Straight Combo #2, Difficult Challenge Combo #2 and Block Combo for 31 minutes.

What's the award for being best dentist? A little plaque.

Song of the Day:Just Dance by Lady Gaga and Colby O’Donis

For tonight's stream we'll be playing Overwatch 2, obviously the goal is to try and knock out a level or two on the Season 2 battle pass!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!