Monday, January 24, 2022

What if up with all the cowardly Tanks?

Good afternoon everyone,

You know, by playing Overwatch every week, one notices some trends...

As was the case last night, now normally queue up for all three roles in Quick Play matches, cause I'm feel I can flex fairly well from Tank to Damage to Support... however, when I was not playing the role of tank, I noticed that a lot of folks are choosing to not engage on the objective if the other team is already there. It got so bad I started reporting people for gameplay sabotage. 

But the question is why, why are tanks being so cowardly in games like Overwatch. Yes it's a tough job, hell you see me play the role constantly every Sunday... and even took the role last Thursday with Paladins. Is it fear for not getting healed? Fear of the damage role players not doing their job? Well for me, I've always been balls to wall in Overwatch as, that straight up bulldog that I will go in and take a bite out of someones ass, taking someone down with me if I get eliminated... and it's frustrating to see the opposite approach being taken by other tanks.

Still for the most part, particularly in the first half of the stream, we had a lot of success, and of course big thanks to Chief Beef and PandaSweet for being apart of many of last night's matches. I also had four plays of the game, all as which was pretty awesome.

We did have a bit of weirdness Overwatch with the voice chat being wonky My microphone and everything clearly was working correctly,  it's not the first time that's happened, and it appears to be an issue that was reported on the forums ( so hopefully it's just a glitch.

For last night's raid we sent the fun over to tidalwave13_ttv who was playing Apex Legends over on!  

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Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Defensive Combo #2, Defensive Combo #1 and Double Combo #1 for 28 minutes and a calorie burn estimated at 448 kcal. At the moment I'm at 41 hours trained with Janice for her Champion achievement. So assuming we hit that mark today, I would guess we would get to the 50 hour mark around February 11th. If there was something that would be useful in Fitness Boxing 2, it would be in the My Data section to list the amount of time worked out each day

My progress with Capcom Arcade Stadium certainly continued, I'm well over 60 hours in towards the 100 hour achievement, and about 56,000,000 points in towards the 100,000,000 required for Rank 20. Good thing I was able to make use of a broken controller for this collection of old arcade games.

Finished off the Thavnair Quest Chain in Final Fantasy XIV, which covered the quests from "House of Divinities" to "The Satrap of Radz-at-Han". There was some nice truth reveals, that Fandaniel was once known as Amon, and that the real ruler of Thavnair is a dragon. All of it really sets up what would be the first major dungeon of Endwalker, 'The Twoer of Zot' which I look forward to seeing first hand.

For tonight's stream we're going to put the focus on Battletoads. Yes we did start it back in December, but we'll work on a new campaign to go through it as I would prefer.

So on that nite we'll see you later over on!