Monday, August 7, 2023

Mortal Kombat X, Job Interview and other notes

Hi everyone,

So first up, we had a job interview for Cooper Hospital today, and it kind of went okay, but I fear I might have botched it when asked 'Why do I want to work there?' which is never a question I'm good at answering, especially now when a big reason is more personal than professional. I was told that they are only in phase one of the interview process and phase two is when they narrow down the field to five candidate to see who among them would be the best fit.

On the plus side I was given some information regarding several of my applications that positions have not been filled and was encouraged to contact Talent Acquisitions to let them know I'm still interested in those spots.

Did end up looking on LinkedIn to see if there were any postings being listed, and there appeared to be a couple of promising leads.

Sadly, work was cancelled tonight, I wonder how much the threat of a severe storm with nickle sized hail was a factor.

That meant tonight's stream started early, and we played the story mode of Mortal Kombat X, which does such a great job of setting up the future of the franchise that was then squandered in Mortal Kombat 11 and it's expanded story Aftermath. We had some trouble with a few fights because I totally forgot how to play the various characters that are featured in the story mode, in fact the Raiden vs Liu Kang fight in Chapter 10 took me three attempts to do.

We also did a living tower run as Cassie Cage, mostly to make sure we did a fatality at least once.

Mortal Kombat X Achievements

  • It's a Gusher: Spill 1,000 pints of blood
  • Moving Up: Reach personal level 10 in XP
  • A New Beginning: Complete 50% of Story Mode
  • There is a Ruler: Complete 100% of Story Mode

For the raid we dropped in on sweetlindir who was playing Baldur's Gate 3 over on

Did a lot of writing on the commission request for an AEW story involving the Outcasts, putting down 2000 words already. Also picked up another commission request to write something basedon the game Vanquish, which I've never played.

Our next stream is scheduled for 9:30 PM Eastern over on and I have Mortal Kombat X slated for the night, we might try our hand at something else. We'll see what ends up being the case.

So on that note, have a good night folks!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)