Last night's stream of Overwatch was pretty topsy-turvy as the influx of new players or veteran smurfs wanting to troll and create new accounts because of the 'Play for free' period Blizzard put in made things pretty rough. Ended up going 4-6 in the last 10 matches played. Still we had fun, big thanks to PandaSweet for joining in on several matches as we tried to carry as much as we could. That said, off-stream I did finish getting the 3000 points needed from Rank matches to get another golden weapon, selecting Reinhardt's hammer. Also so far this year I have two plays of the game and both are for Reinhardt so there's some positives!
We also did a bit of Animal Crossing New Horizons, and once again my Island is full of residents, as we added Raddle and after looking it up, he is not wearing a mask as a reference to COVID-19, but it's part of his Doctor's appearance. So I wonder if we can get him out of the mask by giving him alternate face wear at some point. Also checked out another player's island who put in 900 hours in making their island awesome. While I'm happy with my tropical-rural paradise, seeing what others has done is always impressive.
In addition to that, we closed out the bonus stream with Super Mario 35.... and one badly timmed jumped lead to my doom. Ah well I did finish in the top 10 so not too disappointed.
Tonight we'll be back to Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, as we'll work on advancing the plot a bit. Since we're level 30 it should pretty much be a cake walk to get through the Namek saga. Not sure exactly when we'll start, but worse comes to worse we'll start at the scheduled 9:30 start time.
I am wondering how any Trump Supporter can justify Trump's blatant attempt at electoral fraud which was revealed this past weekend. His actions are worse than what Nixon tried to pull in the 1970s. Here's the thing, at this point Trump has more than enough rope to...well you can guess what he can do with that rope. I'm sure at this point Melania will probably help him just so she can get the fuck out of dodge.
Anyway, on that bombshell, we'll see ya later over on!