Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Today's Notes 8/10/21: There Was Thunder

Good morning everybody,

Yesterday morning I finally got around to trying to schedule an appoint to get the first of the two shots of the Pfizer vaccine for Covid-19, and after getting very frustrated with how clunky the system was, I just called up a local CVS pharmacy and asked if they did walk ins. They did, so I walked by 250 lbs butt over to get the first shot. Felt the initial soreness in the arm right away, but when it comes to drowsiness really not much different from how I normally am if I'm not keeping my mind occupied. Now I did start to experience a headache but we always keep some Tylenol around just in case.

Additional note, because I've been working on keeping my weight under control, the walk to the CVS and back wasn't as bad as when I went to the Post Office last fall to mail in my vote for the 2020 election.

Anyway on to last night's stream of Chrono Cross, and the stream started late because the power got knocked out a bit before 6 PM Eastern and didn't come up till after 7:30 PM, and a number of sudden updates happened that kind of nerfed the game audio to a large degree. I made some adjustments that will go into effect tomorrow so hopefully things will sound decent! As far as what we managed to get done, we picked up NeoFio and Pip, which meant we delayed progressing the game to get the Life Sparkle needed for the former then went onto tackle the SS Invincible for the later. With the strategy guide on hand I was able to plan a bit for a number of encounters, such as having white elements spread across my party. We also went on to tackle Water Dragon Isle which meant Razzly got to massacre more dwarfs... and that sets up tonight's stream as we're heading to Mount Pyre next. 

Of course we got a lot of clips of last night's action for you to check out to get the context of things that went down.

Since we were delayed for some time, I took advantage of the Nintendo Switch being fully charged and did some handheld stuff with it, I checked out the Switch version of RWBY Grimm Eclipse, and that is surprisingly more difficult to play with the Switches handheld mode because I couldn't quite see everything. It does play pretty smoothly. Also loaded up Pokemon Let's Go Eevee to do some catching / grinding and realized I skipped an entire route... Route 11, so I cleaned that out and then made sure we went back to where I saved on Saturday to keep things lined up nicely.

Yesterday's mail had a whole lot of goodies for me, the first being Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks for the PlaySation 2, which was Midways's 3rd attempt of a spin off game for the Mortal Kombat franchise. Funny enough the version I received was apparently apart of a box set, so it had no bar code. 

Next was South Park Rally, for the original PlayStation, it's your standard kart racer based on South Park during it's initial peek of the mid-late 90s. It will probably be work streaming once for the gag of it being a South Park racing game. 

Probably the gem of the new additions to the collection was Ehrgeiz for the original PlayStation, as it is a fighting game that does feature Final Fantasy VII characters, namely Cloud, Tifa, Sephiroth, Vincent, Yuffie and Zack... with the later 3 needing to be unlocked. From I understand beating the game with Cloud unlocks Yuffie and beating it with Tifa unlocks Vincent. 

Next we added Road Rash: Jail Break which is the last game in the series to be released for the PlayStation, as EA basically drove the franchise into the ground which was surprising when you look back and see that it basically was a game that made EA stand out beyond its sports titles.

And speaking of EA, the last game added was Shockwave Assault, also for the PlayStation, and this is a game I do have fond memories of, because I played the PC version. I don't think the nostalgia will hold up for the PSone counter part however. Also of note I still have the disc for the PC version from the mid 90s. 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 Daily Workout lasted 31 minutes with an estimated calorie burn being 462 kcal. The exercises for today were the Swayback Combo. Straight Combo #2 and the Hip Shape Focus Combo. We are now up to 76 out of 100 for the Karen's Best Friend achievement. 

As I continue to mess around daily with Dr Kawashima's Brain Training, I can confirm my dislike for Sudoku is reaching new levels. 

As stated earlier, tonight we'll aim to the continue Chrono Cross as we tackle Mount Pyre, as we're closing in on the half-way point of the game where things switch from use playing as Serge to playing as Lynx. I don't think we'll reach that point tonight, it's possible, but I'm not going to push it.

And so on that note, we'll see you about 6:30 PM Eastern over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!