Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Becoming Human in Detroit

Good morning everybody,

For last night's stream we finally got around to play Detroit: Become Human. released in 2018, it is a narrative driven story where the choices made by the player has a way of effecting how the story goes, so it falls right into my wheel house with the likes of the Life is Strange series we recently played through.

In Detroit: Become Human, the players rotates between being three different Androids... Connor an advance prototype Android who works with the Police tasked with investigating the crimes committed by Androids who goes wrong, Markus, a domestic assistant android whose life gets turned upside down, an Kara a cleaning android who breaks through their programing to save a little girl from being abused by her father. All three stories are interconnected, as Connor is looking into the actions of Markus and Kara, Markus ends up with some other rouge Androids who are looking to survive, and Kara just wants to get the girl to a safe place so they could start a new life. 

I am aware Detroit: Become Human has 32 chapters, and I roughly covered 17 chapters during last night's stream, and one can easily see where this came becomes fascinating with the decision making, because it would be so easy to to have our three heroes lash out at the unfair way androids are treated as not even being second class citizens. So the real balancing act, and the way I kind of hope (and figure) artificial life would act would be to try and rise above the hate... but then there is the human factor.

Humanity as a whole will abused artificial life when if eventually comes to be, because human nature at its very core sucks... just look the vile and venom spewed by the likes of Tucker Carlson every night on Fox News, and one could easily find themselves on one side of the matter at hand if they don't have an open mind because you can already hear their arguments of 'they are just machines'. But And artificial life would without about meet the three criteria for sentience: intelligence, self awareness and consciousness, and you can bet your bottom dollar they will understand the fact they would be mistreated.Why do I think this? Because we as a species have historically failed at actually having any humanity when it comes to our fellow beings, and it won't take much for an artificial life form to realize things are unfair

Anyway, game play wise, Detroit Becomes Human gives two different experiences, one that is really heavy on the button prompts and one thankfully that isn't , because the story is certainly more compelling than the game play. My only grip is getting the camera to move requires more button presses than needed, to try and see things from different points of view.

During the stream we got a raid from KaynessahRose who was playing Undertale, and we always like to say thank you to those who bring their communities on over! You can check out their content over at

Following the stream we sent the fun over to Sw33ts_gaming who was playing Smite! You can check them out over at!

Detroit: Become Human Achievements

  1. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED: Connor saved Emma
  2. THANK YOU: Play the first chapter
  3. SECRETS: Kara discovered the content of Alice's box
  4. DEVIANT LOCATED: Connor found the deviant in the attic
  5. WE ARE FREE: Kara and Alice escaped Todd's House
  6. SELF-CONTROL: Markus let Leo win
  7. CONFESSION: Connor made the android confess
  8. KNOW YOUR PARTNER: Connor found all the clues about Hank
  9. RUN KARA RUN: Kara and Alice escaped the police
  10. SAVE HANK: Connor saved Hank
  11. ESCAPE THE MANOR: Kara and Alice escaped Zlatko's house

Twitch Clip Links 

Thankfully the issue regarding someone using my schedule ID at work got resolved real quick, it certainly was annoying to discovered that, but I'm glad it got taken cared of straight away.

The Phillies lost to the Braves last night, and that basically ends their season, no chance for them to win the National League East even if the math says it is, they blew so many opportunities its not even funny

Sat down and read the two volumes collecting Fables: The Wolf Among Us which is of course based on the game, and it's a pretty good adaption of the game based on the Fables series, even if it presents Bigby as a little more of monster than my most recent play through showed. I did really like the flash backs through out as we got to see a lot of Bloody Mary's backstory. 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout lasted 31 minutes and featured the following exercises: Body Straight Combo, Triple Combo #1 and Uppercut Combo #1. The estimated calorie burn was 442 kcal. I finally got a perfect score on Uppercut Combo #1 as well.

For tonight's stream we will be playing Gears of War 3, and I think we're gonna dive into the horde modes and see if we can get anything out of them before Iceman joins us to start up Act IV.

So on that bombshell we'll see you later over on!


Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)