Thursday, July 20, 2023

Half Way Finished with RE6

Hi everyone,

We had work today, which meant the stream didn't start until after 9:30 PM, and the work assignment was interesting as it focused on Wellness and Fitness Centers to see what draw people towards them. It's a short study with a high production rate requirement, but for now I'll just take the hours. Even though I had 5 completed interviews.

The parts from PSE&G for the fridge arrived today, but now the fridge is acting normal after I cranked up the internal dial from 5 to 9 on Monday. I scheduled the appointment for the tech to come and install these parts on Monday to be between 7 AM & 9 AM, which is going to suck.

As far as the stream goes, Iceman and I finished Chris' campaign, and a lot of the suddenly weird camera angle changes for various sequences pretty much sucked. It took us an hour to get through Chapter 5 of that campaign, and then we jumped into Jake's campaign, which has less of the frantic action heavy vibe. For the run of Jake's campaign, I'm playing as Sherry, which has lead to some hilarious moments.

After the mid-stream break, I switched over to Forza Horizon 5, and we managed to get quite a few achievements knocked out. Of course because I haven't stream this late in a while, I was spacing out a bit towards the end.

Resident Evil 6 Achievements

  • Duty Calls: Complete Chapter 5 in Chris' campaign.
  • J'avo Genocide: Defeat 500 J'avo.

Forza Horizon 5 Achievements

  • Seasoned Veteran: Complete a Festival Playlist activity in every season
  • Tourist Attraction: Complete your first Horizon Tour Race Event
  • Points Mean Prizes: Complete any Seasonal Activity in Hot Wheels Park
  • Welcome to Sierra Nueva: Arrived at the Horizon Badlands Outpost
  • Unlimited Rally: Crossed your first Split-Gate in a Horizon Rally event
  • Rouen: Won your first Horizon Rally event
  • That Time of Year: Completed a Seasonal Activity in Sierra Nueva
  • It's Rally Time!: Joined the Horizon Raptors Team

For the raid we dropped in on holodevil13 who was also playing Resident Evil 6 over on

Got some writing done on the Mass Effect short story commission featuring Tali'Zorah, as setting thing up for it taking place on Rannoch is a bit tough without going line for line from the game. 

Our next stream is scheduled for 9:30 PM Eastern on Thursday, and we're going to continue Gotham Knights, making our big push on wrapping that up. 

So with that said, we'll see you next time over on