Friday, April 14, 2023

It's a day indeed

Good morning everyone,

Work yesterday was solid, got two complete interviews done... one by appealing the person's tenure in their industry. Turns out a lot of companies switching to automation is losing them business with retailers selling their product.

Last night's stream of Alice Madness Returns saw us doing the second half of Chapter Two and the first half of Chapter Three (if my estimation was correct). A huge part of why it's taking me so long to get through chapters is that I'm trying to find everything, and I'm constantly checking every area I can find. Good thing we're moving A:MR to Mondays & Tuesdays. 

That said, one thing I love about the third chapter is the overal change in theme is present to reflect the fact it's influence of the Victorian mythos China, and the fact that it's mostly bright and colorful, as opposed to the dark and dreary first and second chapters that were more industrial and underwater.

Next time we'll be placing A:MR of course will be on Monday!

Alice: Madness Returns Achievements

  • Cold Arms, Cold Heart: Defeat the Drowned Sailor without taking any damage
  • Shooting the Moon: Collect 4 Jars of Rose Paint
  • Grim Folly: Complete Wonderland Chapter 2
  • Death by Darjeeling: Acquire the Teapot Cannon

For the raid we dropped in on Kalenal during their stream of Final Fantasy XIV at!  

The plan for tonight is to continue Spider-Man, and I know we're nearing the half way point of the main campaign, since we've covered a lot of the side content that would be association with Mr. Negative's thugs. Actually, from what I can a large part of what's left in the game will me main story outside of a handful of side-missions and tracking down all the major thug events.

Completed the requirements for the Epilogue in Hades last night, so now my main goal is to deal with the Achilles and Megara story arcs which would result in two more achievements, but the grind for both will take a good while.

Hades Achievements

  • Friends Forever: Max-rank each standard Keepsake
  • One for the Ages: Reach the epilogue of the story

Trying to keep track of bills is easy... making sure they actually take the money when I pay them, that is oddly difficulty in some cases!

Nearly finished writing the latest Mass Effect short story commission, just need to wrap up the finishing details.

The Phillies have once again regressed to a sometimes all and mostly nothing team based on their performance this week. 

So on that note we'll see everyone later on!