Saturday, October 7, 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream started an hour late because I got held up taking care of things while waiting for dinner to arrive.Granted part of this was also caused by unusual sleep pattern as of late.

Anyway, in Cyberpunk 2077 we focused on three achievements revolving around side activities in the Phantom Liberty expansion before  advancing the main story a bit, getting Reed, meeting Alex and seeing that once again V is going have to sneak into a very larger skyscraper tower. 

So far I've been given very little reason to like Reed and his whole 'need to know' approach. At the same time, I suspect the big emphasis on the Blackwall, which was not really a factor in the base game is something that is being set up for a sequel game.

Next time we'll be playing Cyberpunk 2077 will be on Monday night.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Achievements

  • Easy Come, Easy Go: Steal the Arasaka medical truck or deliver 10 vehicles to El Capitan.
  • Judgement Day: Eliminate three bosses from the "Increased criminal activity" category.
  • The APB is Not Enough: Become Dogtown's most wanted criminal.

For the raid we went over to who was playing Final Fantasy XIV 

Our next stream on Sunday nigh over at, which should start at 5 PM Eastern, will featured Overwatch as we're just days away from the Halloween events

Got some writing done, knocking out a Resident Evil story commission and getting the go ahead to do a continuation.

Also started a side story based around Extreme Ghostbusters, taking a slight break from my Persona story

Those are really all my notes for today!

Have a good night!


Horizon Zero Dawn and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Horizon Zero Dawn saw us casually roam into the area that was part of a DLC expansion for the game, but instead of  focusing on that I went back to exploring and pushing westward towards Meridian... but I got side tracked looking for things and exploring. Kind of amazed at how many camps there are, with quite a few being close together. 

Next time we play HZD we'll have a choice of pushing forward with the main story or doing the DLC content, since I'm about the right level for it. Plus it's a more condensed area (more or less)

Horizon Zero Dawn Trophies

  • Fought back the corruption: Destroyed the corruption inside the Nora valley.

For the raid we went over to who was playing Party Animals 

Our next stream is scheduled for Saturday at 5 PM Eastern with the continuation of Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty over on

The Phillies and Braves begin their Division Series on Saturday, and I'll be honest, I think everything lines up well for the Braves in this series, but we'll see how it all plays out.

Knocked out the Spider-Man short story commission today, and the next one on the docket is for Resident Evil, which I should be able to take care of in a good amount of time. Big thanks to everyone who has been commissioning stories, it mans a lot!

Might do an extra story this month for Halloween, question is what do I base it on?

Work was solid tonight, we got an assignment were things flowed nicely, able to adjust some wording without too much hassle and not being bogged down.

And on that note, good night!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)