Saturday, December 24, 2022

Well My Birthday started good.. then the winds screwed everything up

 Good afternoon everyone,

Well my 40th Birthday yesterday was a real mixed bag in so many ways. For one my mom's first radiation treatment was cancelled due to the inclement weather. So that's been pushed back to Tuesday. If you would like to donate to help with some of the medical expenses, you can do so at In fact we had one donation during yesterday's stream that pushed the total raised so far past the $1,000 mark. Thank you very much!

As for the stream, we started at 1:30 PM, and it's a good thing we did, We started with DKO Divine Knockout, getting several wins as Athena over the course of the first two hours, then after a break to check up on my mom, we played Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed, and was getting into a good groove until 4:55 PM when the weather started causing havoc, as I experienced a noticeable inability to keep a steady upstream connection. .

We switch the stream over to Just Chatting, doing a couple of games of APBA Baseball, made a Mass Effect squad member tier list, but at 7 PM I ran out of things to do under a Just Chatting format, and with the constant stream resets. Bandwidth tests using TwitchTest showed no 0 quality, which only occurs when there was an major issue. I called Xfinity, and was was told that numerous people were starting to call in reporting the same issue.

So needless to say my Birthday ended up being a real downer. At the very least, the Twitch VOD version of the first 3+ hours is in the archives.

I do want to thank those who kicked in 600 bits during the stream and to scotchboxvr for the raid, following their stream of Evil West over at

Getting back what we managed to do in terms of games, we did get a couple of achievements.

Divine Knockout Achievements

  • Traveler’s Tall Tale: Achieved 'Traveler’s Tall Tale'
  • KO Collection Gold: Achieved 'KO Collection Gold'

Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed Achievements

  • Right back at ya: Break a tether and down the buster who tethered you within 10 seconds

Stream Clip Links

For the raid, we dropped in over on the official twitch channel for Mystery Science Theater 3000 over at

Because my birthday stream was cut short i went and did some writing on the sixth chapter of the Mass Effect series of short story commission requests.

Also made some more progress on the Overwatch season 2 battle pass, though my latency was all over the pace until things settled down around 12:30 AM. 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Defensive Combo #2, Triple Combo #2 and Intermediate Combo #1 for 31 minutes

How can you make seven an even number? Just take away the "s"!

Song of the Day: Jingle Bell Rock by Bobby Helms 

For tonight's stream, the plan is to start the story mode of Persona 4 Arena Ultimax. Here's hoping Xfinity gets things sorted so we can have a full stream.

So on that note we'll see you later over on! (Hopefully)

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)