Wednesday, March 16, 2022

A Night That Featured Some Old SNK Games

Good morning everyone,

As you know I was lightly messing around with the SNk 40th Anniversary Collection off stream, mostly to get the achievements out of the way, then last night we dedicated about half the stream to it, playing P.O.W. Prisoners of War, Paddle Mania, Baseball Stars and Beast Busters. Two of those game we are counting on the tour for this year in the same way we counted some of the Street Fighter Alpha games a few weeks ago. Just because they are part of a complication doesn't disqualify them from being on the tour. Besides I only counted  three of the Street Fighter Alpha Anthology games.

Now thoughts an impressions of the games we played... well P.O.W. Prisoners of War is your standard left to right beat 'em up... with some of the worst hit boxes possibles. The trading of hits certainly favor the a.i. which was designed to be a quarter muncher There was one bullshit moment involving a grenade exploding and yet somehow I took damage... even though I was out of its blast radius!

Paddle Mania was interesting, in that it is a tennis game... but each round has some gimmick to it. I made it round four... so I saw the standard tennis stage, the 1 vs 3 volley ball stage, and the tennis stage with the sliding wall and the sumo stage. It took me a few tries to figure out the mechanics of the game  but it was fun.

Now I'm no strangers Baseball Stars 2, in fact we have streamed that in the past. Baseball Stars is its predecessor which was originally released on the Nintendo Entertainment Systems. We did one game, winning a slug fest 12-10... and managed to hit a few home runs. This is the only game I used the collections rewind feature for because much like it's sequel, when I'm on defense I can't ever figure out who I have control of when the ball is hit by the opposing team!.

Beast Busters was a ton of fun, it's one of those old school rail shooters that used light guns in the arcades. It's a horror game so there were various monsters, but what made me chuckle is the zombies with guns and some of the in-between stage text.This is the one game I wished I had someone to play with because it's such a good game. The sprite work was top notch. I'm actually surprised this didn't have an achievement associated with it.

Of course we didn't stay with the SNK games the entire night, we switched over to Paladins and had a few good matches before ending with two matches where people intentionally left the match and never came back. Spent the majority of the time playing as Ying once again remembering how much I depend on tanks who focus on the objective..

Twitch Clip Links

  1. I was no where near it!
  2. Actually clearing the first round... 
  3. It's Back... It's Back... It's Gone!
  4. It's Vulnerable Spot Is Its Face! 
  5. That's How You Take Charge

We did not do a raid last night, instead we just hosted Maximilian_dood who was discussing new content for Monster Hunter Rise before playing Elden Ring over at

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Hook Combo #1, Waist Shape Focus Combo and Block Combo. Worked in some extra time, which resulted in setting a new personal best with Beginner Combo #1 on No Mercy Difficulty!

There was a patch update to Overwatch and they removed the Paris and Horizon Lunar Colony maps... and I don't understand why? Both maps have the same mechanics as the Hamamura map in that they had two control points for the attacking team to capture and had some great places to set up defensive if one had the mind for it. The new Overwatch League skin for Sombra is rather neat looking.

Messed around a bit with Garfield Kart Furious Racing last night, it's a fine little kart game with the Garfield gimmick slapped on top of it. Seems like all of achievements can be gradually knocked out without any online play... which is good because I bet there is no community for this game. We might throw in on a stream next week just to mess around with it.

Garfield Kart Furious Racing Achievements

  • Cat got your tongue: Win your 1st puzzle piece
  • Cat out of hell: Win your 1st hat
  • Cat's good with me: Complete a race in any mode or category
  • The cat’s meow: Win your 1st unique hat

For tonight's stream we'll be playing Ugly Americans: Apocalypsegeddon, and since I have Callie up to level 60, that means we'll probably see some game breaking stuff or so I'm told. Then after 9 PM, Gears of War Ultimate Edition resumes with Iceman!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!