Friday, January 6, 2023

Hippo-Carts, Taxis and Visiting Mom

 Good morning everyone,

Yesterday afternoon I went over to Cooper Hospital to visit my mom, kind of a surprise to her, when I got there, it was right after she was brought back to her room from a radiation session. She was her usual self (for those who know her, you know what I mean lol). Found out the plan is to move her to a rehab facility to help her get some strength back and to moving around, The trick is finding a facility that will be able to accommodate getting her to and from appointments. We are raising money to help cover these costs, if you would like to donate visit:

Now since I don't drive, had to take a cab there and back... and it does boggle my mind that the best cab company in my home town doesn't have all of its drivers being bilingual. It lead to some major confusion, particularly when coming back home, as I was at one side of the hospital, but they pick up at the other. So I had to 'run' all the way over. Needless to say, I got some cardio in!

Anyway, last night's stream saw a couple of raids done in addition to a lot of side quests, with the highlight discovering there are Hippo Carts that can be acquired as mounts via one of the Tribal Quests paths. That does give me incentive to actually focus on doing all the Trial Quest grinding at some point. On a side note, since I don't do the raids as frequently as others m trying to recall what to do in various instances.  

Also during the stream, the subject of old cartoon themes came up, so we ended up looking at a few intros for shows like Godzilla (1978), New Adventures of Johnny Quest, Sailor Moon, and New Adventures of Winnie The Pooh!

For the raid we dropped in on Kalenal as they were playing Final Fantasy XIV over at!  

Stream Clip Links

Since I went to visit mom, I didn't do any writing yesterday in regards to the current Mass Effect short story commission that I have on the docket. I plan to make some headway on that today either before the stream or after.

Vince McMahon plotting a return to the WWE is the worst thing that can happen to that company, much like Donald Trump, the world has moved on!

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Body Uppercut Combo, Body Straight Combo and Double Combo #1 for 29 minutes.

A guy told me, "Nothing rhymes with orange." So I replied, "No it doesn't."

Song of the Day: Natural by Imagine Dragons.

For tonight's stream we'll be starting the Persona 3 cast side of the story for Persona 4 Arena UltiMax. So on that note, we'll see you later over on!