Monday, February 8, 2021

Today's Notes 2/8/21

Good afternoon everybody,

Last night's stream of Overwatch was quite productive in terms of getting the nine wins needed to unlock the Terracotta Medic skin for Baptiste. While it is clearly based on the Terracotta Army, it's not exactly something I'd throw on Baptiste, not that I use him much to begin with. Also had two plays of the game, one as Reinhardt and the other as, and since both were in Total Mayhem matches, safe to say they hard to achieve. Big thanks to PandaSweet for joining in on the fun last night, as we made sure she got the Terracotta Medic unlocked as well. 

So the big take away from last night's Super Bowl is probably the streaker... and the usual 'woe is us' style of broadcasting that takes place in response to it. They ask 'why is something like this happening during a Super Bowl', well let's look at the facts, it's the Super Bowl, stupid people are going to do stupid things... the NFL has catered heavily to stupid people by going out of their way to have as many people in attendance as possible under current COVID guidelines, the NFL was basically asking for something to happen... and considering how the Chiefs of Kansas City got their asses kicked by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, leading to Tom Brady getting his 7th Super Bowl Ring... the NFL got what they deserved when it comes to the streaker.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 session was solid, as I moved a couple of things around to give me some extra room behind myself, so front back steams are easier to do. Surprisingly it also helped a bit with lateral movements when I move from side to side. Now of course we were streaming it, as we normally do once a week on Mondays, and that leads me to what the next topic.

I was going to play Animal Crossing New Horizons as well, as the normal thing we do on the extra streams, but the Nintendo Switch froze and locked up. So of course that ended the stream because I had to fix that, and to do that you press and hold the power on button from 15 seconds, you should hear an audible sound from the Switch, almost like a pop, and then it should reset itself. At least that's what I did after looking up how to fix it! 

Tonight we'll be back to Kingdom hearts II Final Mix, we'll be picking up right after the Disney Castle / Timeless River segment, which means we're either heading to the world of Pirates of the Caribbean or the Little Mermaid next, I'm not sure which is the right order to do things in. But if I remember right, The Little Mermaid bit is basically a rhythm game... so you know that's gonna be a pain in the ass

Anyway we'll see you later today over on!
