Sunday, August 27, 2023

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Overwatch 2 was a bit different than normal as I spent the first couple of hours playing Mystery Heroes, where if you die you are swapped to a different character... and we had some modest success with that. Mostly did it to take full advantage of the Triple XP weekend when it came completing challenges and one was to play a certain amount of  Mystery Heroes or Arcade matches this week. Of course we ended up playing a lot of Quick Play matches, and we were joined by PandaSweet for several matches.

Picked up three Plays of the Game tonight as Moira, Tracer and Reinhardt, in addition to playing as Junker Queen, Winston, Bastion, and nearly every single other character thanks to spending time in Mystery Heroes.

For the raid we went over to where Texas Chain Saw Massacre was being featured.

I got a lot of writing done during the course of Sunday, with the first big focus on scripting out the first half of the Namek saga for my 'What If Vegeta Were Female' series of videos that will be appearing on my YouTube Channel in the upcoming weeks. I'm actually really proud of how of how detail I'm making this, I may night have MasakoX natural story telling approach, but I know about considering factors for alternate timelines.

Got two short stories done, the first being for a short story commission based on modern day WWE, which was started yesterday afternoon... and I left the ending opening for an immediate follow up, which was immediately rrequested which is probably going to be very slap dash since it's just a direct continuation. That follow up is in progress and I should be able to knock that out fairly quickly depending on padding.

Also knocked out the third chapter of my alternate universe variation of the Persona franchise, relying a lot of Persona 4 so far.

Our next stream is scheduled for Monday night at  9:30 PM Eastern over on as we'll be jumping right back to Cyberpunk 2077, and I really do think I'll focus all the side content to see if we can over level V in relation to the story.

 So on that note, have a good night!