Thursday, January 20, 2022

Gears, Horizons and Things Dumber Than Buffalo

Good morning everyone,

Interesting title for today's blog? Well it's more to do with the fine folks of Wyoming... now I don't want to pick on them too much, but I was shocked at how many people feel the stuff that went down back on January 6 of 2021 was justified. I mean there's drinking the Kool-Aid, and then there is being blind to the fucking obvious... but, I guess the fine folks of Wyoming aren't so fine.

Anyway, last night's stream featured Gears 5, as I was joined by Iceman and Striker for more fun as we covered the first half of Act III, finding the water supply missions and one of the Nomad missions, as well as a beacon for Baird missions, before dealing with the main mission of exploring a rocket hanger. There were a few issues of the game de-syncing and a few odd glitches, notably with Striker who got stuck in the floor since he's playing as Jack.

I'm not however buying into JD suddenly being remorseful about his actions and attitude following the stunt he pulled in Act I of Gears 5, I'm sorry but it really comes across as forced as if to sway the player for a major decision later in the game... which is to either save JD or Del. If there is supposed to be some romance thing happening between JD and Kait it certainly isn't clear in either Gears of War 4 or Gears 5!

Of course we continued the trend of pairing Forza Horizon 4 with Gears 5 on Wednesdays, and I knocked out a few things there, such as the last chapter of the Upgrade Heroes, and reaching the 10th marker as it relates to all to the Cross Country series of races. It does seem that whenever I complete something in this game, more is added... so I'm wondering how nuts things are in Forza Horizon 5!

For the raid we sent things over to Lifewithstan who was playing Outlast II and clearly regretting it! He streams over at!  

Forza Horizon 4 Achievements

  • Bouncy Bouncy, Having Such a Good Time!: Reach Round 10 in the Horizon Cross Country Series
  • Coronation Trickin': Bank a Skill Chain of 195,300 or more points.
  • Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Complete all chapters of the "Upgrade Heroes" story.

Gears 5 Achievements

  • Safe and Sound: Secured the UIR satellites

Twitch Clip Links

  1. Well... we got water logged!
  2. WHOA! 
  3. We did it... but not fast enough 
  4. Jack is stuck in the floor! 
  5. Oh no! 
  6. You got an ugly face... on your face! 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Waist Shape Focus Combo, Hook Combo #2, &  Block Combo for 31 minutes and a estimated calorie burn of 489 kcal.

Went through a couple main story quests in Final Fantasy XIV last night, the first being the one that that shows off where everything is in Sharlayan, as well as introduces a 'travel with companions' feature, which I guess means we can walk around major cities with a couple of the other Scions, then there wast he second quest which basically was getting a history lesson on Sharlayan, which interesting was a bit bleh in regards to how it was presented. 

For tonight's stream I'm not 100% sure what's going to be featured, I have a few ideas, but I'm not sure if it's going to be something I can do in one night. I know I don't want to hook up one of the older consoles, and I'm saving Kingdom Hearts III for Friday nights. So I guess I'll figure something out later!

So on that note we'll see you this evening over on


Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)