Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Dead or Alive 4 and other notes

Tonight we started playing Dead or Alive 4, and safe to say, the A.I. on Normal difficulty was giving me fits. In fact it took me nearly 30 minutes to clear a simple time attack! So odds are that I'm not going to get many achievements in this game, but at the very least we'll get through the story mode for every character... because that is the classic Arcade ladder format. We all ready did three tonight, so I figure we'll get quite a few streams out of DOA4 in the coming weeks. So basically Mondays will be about the jiggles and the juggles

Tomorrow night we're starting up Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League, which should be exciting! 

For the raid we dropped in on swashbucklet who was playing Final Fantasy XIII-2

We had work today and we closed out the assignment that we had rolling from last week, and apparently we have something tomorrow so here's hoping we're in a hot stretch!

Finished writing the Dragon Ball commission which ended up being about 4500 words. Next story on the docket will involve The Flash.

Xbox had some weird bugs that resulted in my wish list of games to be erased. So now I need to remember what was on it!

Need to remember to make some more Ice  Tea tomorrow.

Dead or Alive 4 Achievements

  • Completed Story Mode: Completed Story Mode once.