Thursday, February 3, 2022

Fast Cars & Hivebusting

Good morning everyone,

Got to love double header Wednesdays, since we've been splitting things in recent weeks between Forza Horzon 4 and Gears 5. Now there was no screenshots during the stream because something went wrong, because I know I was pressing the hot key I have I designated for it. Once I got that sorted out, I had to jump back into both games to make a couple.

We'll start with the Gears 5 stuff first, as Iceman and Striker joined in for the first half of the Hivebusters story expansion, which certainly started off weird, with our characters separated and needing to group up. The characters of Keegan, Mac and Lahni certainly are a contrast to Kait, Del and everyone else I've seen in the Gears of War franchise, but one thing is clear is that nothing is getting done in Hivebusters without team work. While the main campaign clearly had things for Jack to do, Kait and Del were pretty much interchangeable for everything else... in Hivebusters, there were specific tasks for each character to do, so it's a change of pace.

As far as the story goes, it's your usual things go wrong while on a mission plot, but only more condensed, as Hivebusters is serving as an explanation of why the 'Escape' multiplayer mode is done the way it is. Was nice to see Hoffman being involved, and some of the locations are very nicely detailed.

Now, the Forza Horizon portion saw me working towards a couple of achievements, and knocking them out, which of course helps boost the gamer score. It was a 'winter' week within the game, which meant my struggles with icy roads was on full display.

For the raid, we sent the fun over to MommyBee who was playing Persona 5 over on

Forza Horizon 4 Achievements

  • Master of Many: Apply 50 Car Masteries.
  • Moonlighting: Reach Round 10 of Street Scene.
  • Go the Distance: Win a race at The Colossus, The Gauntlet, The Titan or The Marathon.
  • Tunnel Vision: Get 100 Near Miss Skills in any S2 Car.

Gears 5 Achievements

  • Designation: Scorpio: Arrived at Sanctum to infiltrate the Heart of the Hive
  • Out of the Frying Pan: Escaped the Swarm-infested Sanctum
  • New Island, New Mission: Arrived on Weilehi
  • The Awakening: Activate Keegan, Lahni and Mac's Abilities in the Hivebuster Campaign Expansion

Twitch Clip Links

  1. Matching the Dabs of the Emote!
  2. New Personal Best 
  3. The Double!
  4. Into the fire.... 
  5. I got too close

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Intermediate Combo #1, Biceps Shape Focus Combo and Triple Combo #2 for 31 minutes and a calorie burn estimated to be 533 kcal. Assuming I just reached the 38 hour mark today, I should hit 50 hours with Janice as the Trainer by Monday.

People are shocked that Shane McMahon's little known prick attitude has caused a lot of problems at the Royal Rumble and he was basically (as rumors goes) dismissed from WWE as it relates to the build to WrestleMania. Thing is, to any who has read Bret Hart's book, or heard any of Raven's details of taking him out partying, Shane has always been a prick.

My off-stream Final Fantasy XIV Adventures continued with Main Story Quests starting from 'Return to the Crystarium' up through 'Their Greatest Contribution', where we end up going to the past to meet Hermes, Hythlodeaus and Emet-Selch long before the events of the Final Days. There is a ton of lore and exposition, but if I'm picking up on details correctly, it seems as though the Final Days was an accident related to Hermes or his creation Meteion. Either way Elpis is a nice calm area, that is divided into two halves, which means one must take the long approach for gaining access to the Aether Currents.

For tonight's stream we're going to start up Life is Strange: Remastered, and will most likely get through episodes one and two easily, which means saving the other episodes probably Monday's stream.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)