Monday, March 29, 2021

Today's Notes 3/29/21

Good afternoon everybody,

Comcast continues to perform up to the standards I am currently paying for, as the string of nights with no issues continues.That said, knowing that Comcast owns NBC and Peacock, while also knowing they spent $1 Billion Dollars to get exclusive rights to the WWE Network raises an eyebrow when they are going out of their way to edit out content that doesn't meet their standards... which is stupid when once you consider half the stuff that already exists withing the Comcast owned libraries of movies and TV shows. Well just one more reason for me to cut off the cable service.

Last night's stream of Overwatch was mostly Mayhem matches, and big thanks to PandaSweet for being apart of things. We certainly ran into some people making odd match up decision choices through out the night in relation on who to focus on. Did pick up a play of the game as Moira early on, so that's always a good thing to have a scene stealing moment!

Played more Forza Horizon 4 off-stream last night as well, getting all the qualifiers out of the way, now I wonder how often do the seasons change with the game, if it's once a week, once a day or what. If it's once a week, we might just pair it up with Star Trek Online which has been a struggle with filling out Thursdays as of late.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 session was streamed, and I set new personal bests in terms of estimated calories burned and time spent working out. We also knocked out the Hiro's Buddy achievement, and we need to do about 22 more exercise sets using him to get his last character specific achievement. That said, I did struggle with a few motions leading to a higher than normal fitness age score which is also ugly to see, but there is no consistency to gauge what leads to scores being terrible.

Tonight we'll be back to Dragon Age Inquisition, resuming things in the Westward Approach. I did go out of my way to tackle some loose ends in the Emerald Graves off stream, but I know there is a dragon there that we'll save for doing on stream.

And on that note we'll see you later tonight over on!