Thursday, August 19, 2021

Today's Notes 8/19/21: Ehrgeiz Is Awesome!


Good morning everybody,

We had a lot of fun last night with a triple header of PlayStation games, Ehrgeiz, Rampage World Tour and Rival Schools: United By Fate.

First, the big game of the night was Ehrgeiz, which was published by SquareSoft before they became SquareEnix, it is a fighting game that has a full 360 arena combat, this is not like Tekken or Virtual Fighter where you side step to one side or another, in Ehrgeiz you can move in any direction. The controls while basic are very friendly for new comers, as I was able to figure out some basic combos with the characters I used. The controls are very responsive, better than most fighting games from that late 90s period.

Graphically, Ehrgeiz is a gorgeous game, the character 3D models look great, and thus the Fight Fantasy VII characters that I saw (Cloud, Yuffie, Tifa and Sephiroth) look really damn good, and it's probably this game that made people want to see a remake of Final Fantasy VII with how the characters looked in a proper 3D environment with character models to match.

When it comes to how the game sounds the music is incredible, regardless if you use the original or the arranged sets. All the sound effects, plus the grunts and groans expressed by the characters sound pretty solid.

 There are character endings for getting through the arcade mode, but I'm not sure if it's just for clearing the initial battles, because after facing Django, there is a fight against some monster during the credits and I'm not sure if you have to beat it to get the endings. I cleared arcade mode as Yoko, defeated the creature and saw her ending, then did it as Sephiroth, got killed by the creature and saw a Final Fantasy VII music video. Needless to say there's a debate about this.

Will I stream this again... probably, because there are characters to unlock and there is an RPG build into the game that might be interesting to check out.. 

We then checked out Rampage: World Tour, and clearly this was just button mashing fun, and it is something that should get a modern day port with online play because tearing up the world as 1 of 3 monsters would be incredible. We cleared about 20 stages before moving on... but only then did I realize, this game has an auto save feature, which means it might actually be possible to beat! Would probably make for a hell of a marathon stream. 

We closed out the night with Rival Schools: United By Fate, using the arcade disc and doing a classic using Akira to celebrate her being added to Street Fighter V this week. It's too bad I'm so use to burning meter that getting to fight Hyo is damn near impossible for it since to reach the true boss in this game you have to win certain fights under certain conditions which I believe is to beat Raizo or his partner with a burning vigor attack to win a round.

Anyway here's a list of clips from last night's stream!

Following last night's stream we raided Kalenal over on, they were playing Final Fantasy XIV Online. If you're into Stream Raiders, Kalenal is a great channel to watch while waiting for the next battle!  

Arriving in the mail today were 8 additions to the gaming collection: Gears of War, Gears of War 2, Gears of War 3, Gears of War: Judgement and Gears of War 4. All 5 games I have digitally (big thanks to Iceman for hooking me up with the X-Box 360 games last year. With the exception of Gears of War 4 which is factory sealed, the other four games are all used, but not like the discs are going to see much action.And Yes I did say there were 8 additions, the other three were Life is Strange Before The Storm Limited Edition & Life Is Strange 2 for the Xbox One, and Fate/Extella The Umbral Star Noble Pahntasm Edition for the PlayStation 4. I'm currently looking for the original Life is Strange for the Xbox One to complete the set

Added 2 items to my comic book collection> The Adventures of Superman #602 and Legion of Heroes #31.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 Daily Workout lasted 31 minutes with an estimate calorie burn of 487 kcal. The exercises for today were Hook Combo #1, Block Combo and Waist Shape Focus Combo.... and all of these were just focus on my midsection. We're up to 98 out of 100 for the Karen's Best Friend achievement, which means will hit that tomorrow... a day later than I predicted earlier in the week.

 For tonight's stream we will lead off with Star Trek Online with the usual endeavor quests and such, and we'll pair it up with maybe some fun on the Xbox One.

And on that note we'll see you later tonight over on!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)