Wednesday, March 29, 2023

We Finished Hi-Fi Rush!

Good morning everyone,

Had another rough start to my day, waking up a bit before 6 AM but feeling not doing anything... but this is why I give myself little daily goals.

Work yesterday was good, sure I was not thrilled with the assignment but hey, two complete interviews are two complete interviews.

Last night we did finish Hi-Fi Rush, granted I did delay things by going after the achievement for completing all the combos in the Training Room. Once that was done, it was a straight forward thing getting through the final level and dealing with the final bosses. I really liked how the game ended one the 'there's more to do', but at the same time I kind of wished going back to find things in various levels didn't involve all the cut scenes... but oh well.

Out of the games 61 achievements, I managed to knock out 31 one of them, with quite a few being diamond. There is certainly a lot of things for people to do who want to get every achievement for completion, but several achievements involve having to do multiple runs of the game on various difficulties... which is certainly asking a lot of gamers who just chase 1,000 Gamer Score.

Now the next game to take over on Mondays & Tuesdays will be New Tales From The Borderlands. A normal playthrough is estimated to only take 9 hours or so, so that seems doable to me for a new night stretch next week

Hi-Fi RUSH Achievements

  • OK, I THINK I know what I'm doing now: Successfully pull off every combo and attack in the Training Room.
  • I play my own way!: Purchase and equip your first Special Attack.
  • You must like calling me in, Chai: Destroy 50 barriers by calling in Peppermint.
  • Time to pay up!: Settle the bill with the head of Finance.
  • Easy Listening: Finish the game completing every level on the Easy difficulty.
  • Who's the boss now?: Take it up with the CEO, and come out on top.
  • Wanna hear my playlist?: Change the background music in the hideout.
  • That's a lot of junk metal…: Destroy 500 Vandelay security robots.
  • Chip-tuned: Increase your chip slots to the maximum capacity.
  • Out in a puff of smoke: Put out 10 fires in battle with Korsica. (Enemies included.)

For the raid we dropped in on misscammi316 while they were playing Grand Theft Auto V over at

The plan for tonight's stream is of course Fall Guys & Resident Evil 5... who hilarious things will happen to me this week in both games.

Spoke with my brother and the big plan is get a lot of large stuff out of the house on Saturday, April 8th. This way I can finish the basement and start getting a handle on things up in what is supposed to be the dining room.

Got some writing done for the Mass Effect short story commission, and I would dare say it's already about 30% complete. Yay me! Have not figured what the next SubscribeStar Exclusive story will be, I'm leaning Star Trek again...

Watched the Top Gear Vietnam special last night, and that still holds up as one of the better road trips Clarkson, Hammond and May went on.

I was having a question regarding what is going towards earning stars on Regular and Hard versions of exercises in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star... and I just realized it only counts if I haven't done an exercise on that setting yet.

So on that note we'll see you later over on



Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)