Saturday, April 22, 2023

We Finished Spider-Man, Next Up It's DLC

Good morning everyone,

Yesterday was another day without work, as they are still trying to fix the problems with the assignment we were all on. I'm covered, so at the moment I'm not worried, but I continue to look for new opportunities.

We finished Marvel's Spider-Man last night, and boy did I have trouble with the Doctor Octopus fight, mostly because I didn't see I could leap up off the roof to perch on some poles. Still, it was a very satisfying finished. We got every trophy in the base game with the exception of the one for getting all the suits, but hopefully with the game's DLC, I'll be able to unlock the ones I need that way, because I need base and challenge tokens. 

Of course, we'll be starting the DLC on next Friday's stream, and since there were three DLC releases, maybe we can do each one individually over the next three weeks. Maybe have some extended streams in order to get them all done perhaps? We'll see how it goes.

I of course, do want to talk about the Aunt May death scene, and with it only being three months since I lost my mom, that scene hit harder for me than for a lot of folks. I was fighting hard not to break down to start crying on stream, as I miss my mom every single day. Trust me when I say, there are days I feel so hopeless, and that scene unintentionally was a reminder of the empty feeling I have.

Marvel's Spider-Man Trophies

  • Back in the Slammer: Take down each Prisoner Camp
  • Superior Spider-Man: Unlock all Skills
  • Mercenary Tactics: Take down each Sable Outpost
  • I Heart Manhattan: 100% complete all districts
  • Grounded: Defeat Electro and Vulture
  • Sting and Smash: Defeat Scorpion and Rhino
  • Staying Positive: Defeat Li
  • End Game: Complete Act 3

There is a question of will I go straight to Spider-Man Miles Morales afte finishing all the DLC, and the answer is we'll probably put a game in between on Friday nights. I of course, reserve the right to change my mind on that!

For the raid we dropped in on TracyDoll during the stream of Friday the 13th The Game over at

The plan for tonight's stream is more adventures in Elder Scrolls Online with Striker, should be fun, depending on how long it takes us to get from point A to point B! 

Watched the first episode of the Higherlander TV series last night, it certainly was a great way of establishing the concept seen in the movies for a weekly program. Also was surprised at how far it was pushing the boundaries of what was allowed in syndication.

Got quite a bit of writing done on a commission request, with luck I'll finish it before tonight's stream.

So on that note we'll see you later over on