Saturday, May 13, 2023

Wrapped Up Spider Man The City That Never Sleeps

 Good morning everyone,

Yesterday was another day where I couldn't quite get out of my own headspace, but I did made a lot of calls to wish some family a Happy Mother's Day weekend. My Aunt Hillary is coming down on Sunday for a visit.

Last night's stream of Marvel's Spider-Man saw us wrap up the City That Never Sleeps story which certainly opens the door for sequels and follow ups, which I know they did as it relates to the Miles Morales spin-off game, which has Peter joining MJ in Silver Sable's home country. There's also all the set up with Yuri becoming a blood thirsty vigilante which I hope would be featured in the next Spider-Man game.

That said, the chase for Screwball side-mission can fuck right off, because of all the twist and turns in trying to keep up with her while doing all the surprised challenges she laid down. Still we did get every single trophy in the 3rd DLC pack, which means that some time down the road (way way down the road), we'll do a New Game Plus run of Spider-Man on the hardest difficulty setting.

Marvel's Spider-Man Trophies

  • Frenemies: Complete the "Old Friends" mission
  • Screwballed: Get Spectacular or better in all Screwball Challenges
  • Unplugged: Complete the Screwball chase
  • The Wages of War: Complete the "Aiding a Human" mission
  • Unacceptable: Complete the "Scales of Justice" mission
  • Terminated: Complete the "One Plus One Equals Win" mission
  • The City Sleeps: 100% Complete CTNS: Silver Lining

For the raid we dropped in on zdleague as they were playing Persona 3 Portable over at

The plan for tonight is uncertain because I don't know if Striker will be joining us for Elder Scrolls Online, if not we'll probably mess around with something small and light.

Oh, the next PS4 game will be Kena: Bridge of Spirits, a game recommended by Striker earlier this year, so we'll start that on Friday of this week. 

With the Mass Effect short story finish, my next focus will be on... the WWE short story commission that came in at the same time last week. Sure I already started work on it, but I really hate writing WWE and wrestling related stories in general, since I'm stereotyped in that regard.

Other plans for today include laundry and dishes... you know mundane stuff.

So on that note we'll see you tonight over on

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)