Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Today's Notes 2/16/21

Good afternoon everybody,

Well last night certainly was a nightmare scenario, as a power flicker in my neighborhood due to cold and icy weather was the start of several problems, one the stream last night was interrupted at about 3 Hours 30 Minutes, so this was about 9:30 PM It wasn't a complete outage of power, it's the lights dimmed then came back, the internet was knocked out for a few minutes. Things came back up and we resumed as one would do, then at about 10 PM EST everything went to hell, everything just went haywire to the point nothing was responding, couldn't even pull up task manager to see what was going on. Had no choice but to do a hard power down, which is something I hate to do. Things got worse when my PC would instantly shut down upon pressing the power button, it did it a second time, and on the third try it did power back up, but with a warning indicating one of the fans was not functioning.... but just holding my hands need the vent ports I could feel the fans moving. 

Needless to say this forced an emergency look into getting a new rig, because the last time I had anything like these issues were in 2011 and 2018. 2011, a power outage basically KO'ed it permantly and in 2018, that one was suffering from sudden hardware malfunctions. At the moment I'm writing this I'm running every diagnostic tool Windows 10 has to double check everything, and also in the process of backing up anything I already didn't have on an external hard drive, basically the entire afternoon is lost, so an unwanted day off from work, but if all tests out right I hopefully will be streaming this evening... we shall see if that goes well.

So these issues aside, last night's stream of Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix was going along very smoothly, as we closed out the in-game stories for The Coliseum, Agrabah, Halloween Town, 100 Acre Wood, Atlantica and The Pride Lands... and when all the issues started happening, thing were then going to be focused on Space Paranoids.Sadly the technically issues has resulted in lost footage, as I didn't even put together a highlight reel for my Facebook page to chronicle last night's events yet. Once every test is completed, we'll start pushing the hardware a little to see what it can handle at this point. If nothing catastrophic happens, things should be smooth, but even better when the new rig arrives.

Did do some blatant level grinding in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix after I got my current PC powered up last night to where I could contact my job to let them know what was happening. Managed to find that one spot in the Pride Lands where numerous enemies appear, and it seems like a great spot of knocking out levels... which I found it sooner as I probably would've of boosted myself even further than I managed to do while I was checking the hard drive for disk errors till 4 in the morning.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 felt, even though it's back to back days of the Fitness Age score being 23... wonder if there was a patch update where they re-calculated how to score that, because normally I'm at a 21, and I know I was particular on point today. Did reach a new milsestone achievement called Super Middlewight Puncher Lv. 1, which was to have a total of 88,000 total punches thrown, with my exact total being 88,377.

And on that note we'll see you (hopefully) at about 6 PM EST for Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix over on twitch.tv/fredcasden