Monday, March 8, 2021

Today's Notes 3/8/21

Good afternoon everybody,

Last night's stream of Overwatch was pretty solid, plenty of wins and losses as per usual, as we split things between mostly being a tank and support and the start of the stream, then focusing on playing damage role. Picked up four plays of the game with Reinhardt, Ashe, McCree and Torbjorn, so had a good night in terms of having huge moments. Big thanks to PandaSweet for joining in on the fun!

That said, we did have one instance where I got overly frustrated with smurfs. For those that don't know, Smurfs are people with egos so large they create secondary accounts (aka buying Overwatch twice) so that they can match up against lower-tiered and more casual players so that they can basically beat up on players no dedicating hundreds of hours to playing ranked matches. Smurfing is cheating because you are avoiding playing at your skill level and it's to negate Match Making porcess.

We'll be streaming Dragon Age Inquisition later today, and I gave real consideration to dedicating tonight to finishing up Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward, but if I figure things correctly, if we do Zero Escape: VLR on Friday, we don't risk anything if it ends up taking longer than expected to finish, considering we have two character endings, one bad ending and the true ending to go through to wrap everything up, plus on more major puzzle room as well. So tonight being what it was supposed to be with Dragon Age makes sense.

We did do a bonus stream as per usual for a Monday, but it was only featuring Fitness Boxing 2, and we did a little extra so it ended up being a 55-minute work out session overall, with the daily only being like 47 minutes. We did reach a new milestone with the Cruiserweight Puncher Level 2 achievement, which was to reach a total punch count of 117,000. I forgot to look at my overall total punch count, but still, it's a lot!

Watched Robin Hood: Men In Tights last night, man what a funny movie that still holds up very well. Richard Lewis is just a joy to watch, and the dialog is just so smartly written... which is the case with all Mel Brooks movies. 

And on that note we'll see you later over on!