Monday, November 9, 2020

Today's Notes 11/9/20

Good afternoon everybody...

Well as usual we got the day started late, but we did get in a solid 50 minute Fitness Boxing session, focusing on strength and cardio, which meant only 4 sets instead of 5, but it was a more intense workout. Really trying to put effort into moving back and forth from a standing position seems to take some pressure off my left knee as opposed to the slight bounce I normal do.

 Big thanks to one of my regulars ShadowStrikeR24 for letting me know about the upcoming remaster of Sam and Max: Save the World. It's a big surprise that came out of nowhere, but considering the original Telltale series was done in a 4:3 aspect ration, having an updated version is appreciated. I got a slight chuckle seeing that the publisher and developer is Skunkape Games.... as Skunkape is an antagonist in Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse.

Last night's Overwatch stream was a lot of fun, with the entire stream dedicated to Mayhem matches... which surprised even me. Normally at about 8 PM EST, the modes in Arcade mode rotate... now I started the stream at 7 PM EST, Mayhem was available from the start so to see it still there at 8 PM was a pleasant surprised. That said, it is amazing how stupid some people can get in Mayhem, particularly those who just want a match to end, so they either switch to something that isn't helpful or they quite the match.

Tonight's stream will be at 9:30 PM and will focus on the Southpaw Regional Wrestling and Empire of Tomorrow DLC... which means again trying to deal with the idiotic in-match objectives with awful controls. The only bright side is that these two DLC packs focus more on the Women of the WWE and seems to involve the player using more than just one character at a time.

I just now realize that I probably will have to sit down at some point and make a new twitch channel trailer, as the current one features footage most from the first half of 2020. That's gonna be a rough evening, as I'll have to go through months of clips to edit things down to just a couple of seconds.

Anyway, hope you all have a great day!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)