Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Skullgirls 2nd Encore and other notes

Tonight's stream of Skullgirls saw us getting through five of the six story modes, all that is left is Black Dahlia, which we'll have to save for next Monday. The amount of dialog exchanges that takes place in the stories for Squibbly, Big Band, and Eliza really drew things out, then Umbrella and Annie's were voiced. Still is was a solid night, and I don't have to consider changing the weekly line up. We also picked up a new follower because we were playing Skullgirls which was awesome.

Tomorrow night we're back to Final Fantasy XIII with the start of chapter six!

For tonight's raid we dropped in on misscammi316 who was playing Smite

Work was solid tonight, knocked out several interviews on a study covering issues up in North Jersey

Finished my watch through of Red Dwarf, and the Promise Land movie was awesome. The moonlight scene with Lister and Rimmer was very touching.

Finished the WWE related story early in the morning and got to work on the Star vs The Forces of Evil commission, and I'm about 30% done writing it. Basically in the middle of its action sequences.

Skullgirls 2nd Encore Achievements

  • Prima Donna: Sopranos should always be center stage.
  • Until You Next Awaken: It would appear they've become quite inseparable.
  • Not What It Used To Be - But Neither Am I: This city and he, they've been through a lot.
  • Threads of Fate: Follow all threads of fate to their inevitable conclusions.
  • Let Them All Bathe In My Glory: It is time for a new kingdom, and a new age! This world so badly needs a wake-up call.
  • Season Finale!: The adventure continues, with friends new and old, next time on "Annie of the Stars"!
  • Siblings Unite: I'll protect you, and you'll protect me!