Wednesday, November 3, 2021

To Raid Tombs One Must Be Heavensward

Good morning everybody,

Well yesterday was a day off that was not planned, as usual election times can be screwy in the world of market research... 

Anyway last night's stream was of course focused on Tomb Raider, picking up from the start of Chasm Monastery and ending by reaching the Endurance crew on Shipwreck Beach, which basically sets up the final third of the game for next Monday's stream. In terms of the focus of tonight, I did put a lot of time into trying to find the tombs, picking up three tonight. The point of the tombs is to be able to go back and find all the collectables once the main campaign is finished. Might make for a fun random night of nonsense, as I believe I have over 50% of the things found.... I could be wrong.

Now one thing that was quite obvious about tonight's stream was that I struggled with a lot of Lara's big cinematic running and jumping scenes, as she plummeted to her death quite a few times... which is funny, because in prior runs of the game, it was when she was sliding down a river and avoiding debris that was the problem,

There is a good portion about Tomb Raider that certainly lends itself to fan fiction, Lara and Sam obviously, but considering the island is filled with murderous dudes who haven't seen a woman in at least 15 years, one would think wanting to kill the first one they see would be the last thing on their mind. Just food for thought there.

Following the stream we sent the fun over to Loganatf who appears to be very new to twitch, and they were also playing Tomb Raider over at!  

Tomb Raider - Definitive Edition Achievements

  1. Relic Hunter: 25% of all relics collected.
  2. Down and Dirty: 15 finishers performed.
  3. Looking for Trouble: 25% of all GPS caches found.
  4. Scrounger: 5000 pieces of salvage collected.
  5. Sharp Shooter: 50 headshot kills performed in the single player campaign.
  6. Opportunist: 25 unaware enemies killed.
  7. Picky: 200 enemies looted.
  8. Epic Fumble: Forced an enemy to drop dynamite that killed two people.
  9. Crab Cakes: FeeFee the crab killed.
  10. Clever Girl: Purchased all skills in one category.

Twitch Clips Links

Off-stream Final Fantasy XIV progress saw me reaching the end of Heavensward with the quest of the same name. Safe to say I loved how straight forward a lot of things were in the later portion of the chapter, as some things were being set up for the future while others were coming to ahead. The revelation that I'll be going up against Nidhogg against and this time he's possessed Estinien (the Azure Dragoon) certainly raises the stakes a bit... if I actually liked Estinien to begin with.

Some other points of interest were the post-credits introduction of the Warrior of Darkness, now is this going just a doppelganger of my character, or is it some fully voiced foe whose ass I'm going to have to kick six ways from Balamb Garden? (Yes that's a Final Fantasy VIII reference but that is my favorite game in the series of all time). There is still the matter of finding the other Scions and the Empire still causing havoc with their version of doing the 'right' thing by keeping the Primals in check.

Really looking forward to seeing where the story goes next!

That said, I do find it funny that the boss of Heavensward is basically a Pope-like figure whose self-righteous pious nature leads them becoming a threat for the world. Japan game developers certainly make it a point to take shots at religious figure heads... though Grandia II was the most obvious since it's main villain was Pope Zera.

Beyond that, I stumbled across  a side-story within Final Fantasy XIV involving Sky Pirates, a shot ship and Diablos. The associated Alliance Raid was a hell of a lot of fun, particularly since I used a boost from the FF14 online store to grab the max level gear for level 70 before I hit it based on my own game play (I was like 500,000 XP away... but the huge difference in damage output between what I was doing and what I saw other Bards doing was quite noticeable)

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Weaving Combo #2, Beginner Combo #2 and Straight Combo #1 for a duration of 31 minutes and a estimated calorie burn of 470 kcal.

For tonight's stream will feature two games, first Street Fighter III: Second Impact will be our lead off game as I attempt to beat it for the first time! Then around 9 PM or so, Iceman will be joining us for Acts IV and V of Gears of War: Judgement!

So on that note, we'll see you later over on!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)