Friday, February 4, 2022

The Remastering Of Life Is Strange

 Good morning everyone,

It's Friday, the weekend here so I hope everyone has a good weekend. Last night we started up Life is Strange: Remastered... yes a few days after it was finally released, but I kind of get why it was delayed from its initial September 2021 release date.

One thing I noticed with episodes 1 and 2, which we played last night, is that while the new character models are certainly expressive and look great, there are a few 'framing issues', such as when Max talks to the cop in the diner, his head is half way out of frame, and also issues with sight lines, like when Joyce is talking with Max, it's clear she is not looking at Max at all. Then there is the issue of some attire being a little more transparent than before, this is really noticeable with Kate's clothing..

As far as my choices go, we're made sure to save Kate as well as making Chloe earn the right for this to be a 'Bae Before Bay' version of the story (the train may have gotten to her a few times). Yes Chloe will be saved in the end, but c'mon, letting things go wrong for her is part of the fun. I am using a guide to make sure we get all the collectables in a single play through. 

Now how will I place Life is Strange: Remastered episode 3-5 in the line up, well I'm considering either doing all three episodes in one shot for Saturday's stream, or 3 & 4 on Monday, with Episode 5 on Tuesday, sharing time with Final Fantasy XIV. See these are the decisions that comes with being a variety streamer.

Big thank you to LVStrkr for the Tier 1 Resub to my Twitch Channel, their support over 34 months has been awesome!

For the raid we sent folks over to SeaFairyStars who was also playing Life is Strange: Remastered over at!

Life is Strange Remastered Achievements

  • Macro Eyes: Take optional photo #1 in Episode 1: Chrysalis
  • Wide Angles: Take optional photo #2 in Episode 1: Chrysalis
  • Telephotogenic: Take optional photo #3 in Episode 1: Chrysalis
  • Close-Ups: Take optional photo #4 in Episode 1: Chrysalis
  • Red Eye: Take optional photo #5 in Episode 1: Chrysalis
  • Focused: Take optional photo #6 in Episode 1: Chrysalis
  • Zoomed In: Take optional photo #7 in Episode 1: Chrysalis
  • Focal Pointed: Take optional photo #8 in Episode 1: Chrysalis
  • Maximum Aperture: Take optional photo #9 in Episode 1: Chrysalis
  • Light Leak: Take optional photo #10 in Episode 1: Chrysalis
  • Visionary: Take all optional photos in Episode 1: Chrysalis
  • Chrysalis: Finish Episode 1: Chrysalis
  • Field Of View: Take optional photo #1 in Episode 2: Out of Time
  • Full Exposure: Take optional photo #2 in Episode 2: Out of Time
  • Processor: Take optional photo #3 in Episode 2: Out of Time
  • Image Stabilizer: Take optional photo #4 in Episode 2: Out of Time
  • Compressed: Take optional photo #5 in Episode 2: Out of Time
  • Pixelated: Take optional photo #6 in Episode 2: Out of Time
  • Dynamic Range: Take optional photo #7 in Episode 2: Out of Time
  • Colorized: Take optional photo #8 in Episode 2: Out of Time
  • Meter Made: Take optional photo #9 in Episode 2: Out of Time
  • Resolution Revolution: Take optional photo #10 in Episode 2: Out of Time
  • Lab Master: Take all optional photos in Episode 2: Out of Time
  • Out of Time: Finish Episode 2: Out of Time

Twitch Clip Links

  1. Well that wasn't remastered
  2. Put A Dent In The Bumper
  3. Up and Down... Kate is a Yo-Yo 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured a 28 minute workout based around Defensive Combo #2, Defensive Combo #1 and Double Combo #1 for an estimated calorie burn of 436 kcal.

The on going Major League Baseball labor dispute is getting silly, as it's clear as day that the Scott Boras controlled unition is going to keep pushing for things that benefit only his clients.

My off-stream Final Fantasy XIV adventures saw more progress in the Main Story, picking up from 'Aether to Aether' and going up through 'Worthy of His Back'. Perhaps the biggest thing here was meeting Venat, who would become Hydaelyn, who is able to instantly tell that we are from the future. The whole truth is reveal, and Emet-Selch takes it about as well as one would expect... does make me wonder if in the end he realized he became what he was told he would become. Still the entire session was mostly lore and exposition with some gradual roaming around. 

Of course I would be remiss not to talk about the duel we have to have with Venat... which took me three attempts, even on reducing the difficult after the first failure, it's a tough fight and is clearly design for the player to be a Warrior class to take advantage of all the self-healing abilities, or at the very least a role that is willing to stand toe to toe instead of do battle at a distance.

For tonight's stream we shall be resuming Kingdom Hearts III, and the plan is to tackle the two worlds that tie in with Frozen and Winnie the Pooh! We already seen the intros to both worlds, so it's just going to one doing it and then going to the other, then pulling up the notes to find the lucky emblems. Sounds like a full night.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)