Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Today's Notes 7/28/21: Terra-Xehanort Is Seemingly Impossible

Good morning everyone,

We had a good night last night for the stream where we continued Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep... going through the final stages of Terra's campaign that took us to the worlds of Herculues, Lilo & Stich & Peter Pan... before suddenly things started getting hairy. I had to know something was up with the return to Land of Departure to battle Master Eraqus and the sudden difficult spike in relation to everything else... but then... we went to the Keyblade Graveyard.

Now I was able to tear through the Master Xehanort & Vanitas  and the Master Xehanort battle's pretty straight forward... but then the battle against Terra-Xehanort happens which is basically Terra versus a supped up version of himself. And it's complete bull shit with how he has a seemingly infinite combo. Now I did come 'close' to beating him... but I need to find better magic, which means it'll be a shit ton of grinding needing to be done. But the kicker is, it strips away one of the D-Link ability which is kind of how I got through a good chunk of the game!

In all respects, the pain and the ass second phase of the Ansem fight in the original Kingdom Hearts was easier than, but it didn't strip away a major game play mechanic, yes Donald and Goofy get gated off, but everything else Sora does is available! 

Anyway, we only got one achievement last night.

  1. Entrusting Power: Clear the Destiny Islands episode of Terra's story.

And here are the top five clips from last night as well.

Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep 7/27/21 Clip 1

Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep 7/27/21 Clip 2 

Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep 7/27/21 Clip 3

Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep 7/27/21 Clip 4 

Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep 7/27/21 Clip 5

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout lasted 31 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 504 kcal, but since we did extra set on top of that, the complete session was 43 minutes with the estimate calorie burn being 675 kcal. We're now up to 9 out of 10 for hte Karen's Trainee achievement, which we'll knock out tomorrow, and we're up to 6 out of 10 for the Karen's Buddy achievement, which should be accomplished by Friday if I keep up doing extra stuff each day.

Tried to schedule some appointments and such and I'm reminded as to why I hate dealing with doctors, dentists and the line... appointments are scheduled so far in advance it's impossible to logically set things without running interference in other areas. Can't schedule a dentist appointment unless it's a walk in emergency.

Also was looking into getting to COVID-19 vaccine and I saw one of the apparent side effects could re-trigger the conditions that landed me in the hospital back at the end of 2016... that's good to know...

For tonight's stream we will play The Division after 9 PM Eastern, we'll be waiting on Iceman to continue doing the missions on hard. But before that we'll mess around with some other nonsense. 

Shortly after this post was posted... my mail arrived, and we added four games to the collection, a factory sealed version of Mass Effect 2 for the Xbox 360, with this version being listed as 'purchased from the EA Experience', Oni and The Warriors for the PlayStation 2 both games published by RockStar Games. The Warriors is considered to be one of the best movie licensed games of all time and Oni is a game whose ads I remember seeing that just looked cool. Lastly we added Vs. for the PlayStation, published by THQ, Vs. probably is infamous for it ads featuring one character who was based on a real person. 

And on that note we'll see you later today over on!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)