Thursday, March 10, 2022

Ugly Americans: Apocalypsegeddon Is A Fun Little Game

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream was fully of surprises... with the first one being that Ugly Americans: Apocalypsegeddon is a fun little game. Now I remember watching series on Comedy Central, and I thought it was a good show, the surreal premise certainly was interesting... but I'll admit I never really went out of my way to watch it when it was airing, and that is probably true for a lot of folks.

Anyway, the game, Ugly Americans: Apocalypsegeddon is a twin stick shooter, meaning you use the left analog stick to move and the left analog stick to fire your weapon. RB is to pick up items to switch weapons and RT is the screen clearing move. Y (on an Xbox controller) is to revive teammates if you happen to be playing online or locally with someone. Gameplay wise, it's basically just clear the screen of enemies to move forward, you gain XP which means upgrades, so you can focus on one character (in my case Callie) to max out their stats.

That particular aspect of the game came in really handy as I was looking to clear the first boss of the game, and granted i came close a couple of times, but once I realize I can use the harder DLC levels as a way to give myself an XP boost, getting Callie's damage output maxed out and super move recovery up a few levels meant I had a much easier time. On a side note, depending on the character, they may get buffs or debuffs depending on the weapon they are using, in Callie's case, using the propane tanks and rockets plays to her strength.

I think I'm going to try and actually finish this game, as my expectations were pretty low and I want to see if I can accomplish that. And it appears the online multiplayer still works so maybe we'll get some help along the way! Who knows! 

We also played Gears of War Ultimate Edition, and we were of course joined by Iceman, and we took our time making sure I found all of the COG tags in the first two acts. I was the only one killed because of a in-game story event involving an NPC fucking with the lights... it was hilarious. But seriously, I see why they want to do a remaster of the other Gears of Wars games from the 360 era, because Gears of War Ultimate Edition looks pretty damn good... and I noticed a few things that were clearly used in Gears of War 4, such as the various textures and sky patterns.

Ugly Americans: Apocalypsegeddon Achievements
  • My New Favorite Number: Defeat 50 enemies in a row without getting hit.
  • Keep These Bad Boys Comin’: Rack up a 20 score multiplier.
  • Dirty Leg Draggers...: Kill 300 Zombies.

Gears of War: Ultimate Edition Achievements

  • Prison Breakout: Completed tutorial path on any difficulty
  • Welcome to Delta Squad: Escaped from the Slab
  • Dom-curious: Completed 1 co-op chapter in co-op
  • Zen and the Art Part 2: Performed 5 perfect active reloads in a row
  • Whack-A-Grub: Closed all 4 e-holes around the fountain in Fish in a Barrel without any Locust fully emerging
  • Cole? As in Cole Train?: Rescued Augustus Cole in the House of Sovereigns
  • Zen and the Art of Reloading: Performed 25 perfect active reloads
  • Yeah, yeah, Group Hug: Rescued Damon Baird from the Tomb of the Unknown
  • Time to Remember: Recovered 11 COG tags
  • My Love for You Is Like a Truck: Killed the Berserker in the Tomb of the Unknown
  • Domination: Completed 10 different chapters in co-op
  • No More Favors: Made a Deal with Franklin
  • Lights, Action!: Used the spotlight as protection from the Kryll
  • Taking Laverne for a Ride: Got the Junker at Chap's gas station
  • The Biggest E-hole: Defended Stranded Settlement and headed to Lethia Imulsion Factory
  • G-reader: Read one full comic

Twitch Clip Links

  1. Keep These Bad Boys Coming! 
  2. Light 'Em Up
  3. Defeating Bethany! 
  4. Roasted
  5. Lights still on... nope.... 
  6. Walk it off....

We did not do a raid last night, instead we hosted Maximilian_DOOD who was playing Elden Ring over at

For today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout, the exercises were Beginner Combo #1, Front-Back Step Combo and Hook Combo #2.  Of course you can tell I did more than just the daily exercises. 

 Messed around some with the SNK 40th Anniversary Collection, just to get a feel for some of the games while also using its save state exploit of knocking out achievements. I think once all of the achievements are done, we'll dedicate part of a stream to checking things out from this collection. Of course we would have to label each segment for each game, since the collection's own title isn't found on Twitch.

SNK 40th Anniversary Collection Achievements

  1. Vertically Challenged: Beat the Arcade version of Alpha Mission.
  2. A Wise Choice: Beat the Arcade version of Athena

I did actually take a look at the PlayStation State of Play to see what may peek my interested. Exoprimal looks like a fun chaotic co-op shooter that is clearly set in the same universe as the Dino Crisis games... best part is that its not a PlayStation exclusive. Square-Enix's Forspoken looks like it's their answer to the Horizon games just based on the game play footage. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle R looks cool, even thought my only experience with that franchise is through Jump Force

But what really got my attention is the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cowabunga Collection that looks like is going to included every TMNT game from the 80s and early 90s, including the arcade games. I'm really hoping that its not a PlayStation exclusive, because I would love to play that just for the two arcade games alone, and maybe the first NES games. Tournament Fighters could also be cool, since I never played either the SNES or Genesis versions. 

Successfully tracked down a copy of WWE 2K16, so again something to use to get a few easy achievements.

For tonight's stream we'll be playing Final Fantasy XIV, doing some raids and then focusing on Fishing and Blue Mage leveling! 

So we'll see you later over on!