Sunday, December 24, 2023

Overwatch and other notes

Merry Christmas Eve everyone,

Tonight's stream of Overwatch certainly saw me losing my mind with some things other players were doing, but overall we had fun. We did have fun, playing as Junker Queen, Brigitte, Reaper, Orissa, Reinhart, Moira, Mei and several others. Big thanks to PandaSweet for being apart of the fun.

Also we ran into a big where if people left matches,there was no one to backfill, it happened about five times and was quite annoying

And yes I did forget to take a screenshot tonight, that is why we have one for Mass Effect lol.

Our Christmas Day stream will feature Mass Effect

For the raid we went over to neperrati who was playing Catherine: Full Body

Set up the new TV my brother gave me in the living room, it's placed in a spot where it can be viewed from most areas, granted at an elevated position.

Going to be working on the Mass Effect story commission for the rest of the night, had to change some things around based on that the client wanted to give the story some decent pacing.

Good night!

Smite, Rock Band and other notes

Today I turned 41 and it was a great birthday. My brother and his family came over, so my nieces got their Christmas presents. I was gifted some shirts, hates, a tv and an air fryer (which I'm looking forward to using once I make space for it in the Kitchen). This was awesome.

Tonight's stream was mostly going to feature Smite once I made up my mind and we were doing well, winning several matches and playing as Skadi and Athena, but then we ran into a series of lobbies where people were leaving or not making a selections.

So I said fuck it and we loaded up Rock Band 4, and sang the night away, with tunes by Van Halen, Billy Joel, Bon Jovi and various other artists, It might end up being archived on the Youtube channel, we'll see,or I might have to cut out the entire Rock Band portion.

Tomorrow's stream will feature Overwatch 2 on Christmas Eve!

For the raid we went over to elegantlyslays who was playing Friday The 13th 

I did some light writing today to work on a Mass Effect commission which I'll be working on all day on tomorrow and into Monday to get done. Would like to get it over 4000 words if possible.

Good night!