Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Light Fairytale Episode 1 Is A Great Start

Good morning everyone,

Light Fairytale Episode 1 was featured last night and it certainly was a charming little game that is clearly inspired by Final Fantasy VII... and unlike Final Fantasy VII, Light Fairytale's clear opening act isn't bogged down with a half dozen plot elements. We get introduced to Haru and Kuroko, we get a clear understanding that they live towards the bottom of an underground complex... and Haru has a dream about 'the sky', something he has never seen.

The battle mechanics are very straight forward, as it is a traditional turn-base style and it was made really clear to me that there would be a limit on healing items. Good news is our heroes have 'Fury' moves, or what is basically the equivalent of Limit Breaks, Haru's is a group heal while Kuroko's is a 5 hit combo on one enemy. The music and artwork are actually quite good, as everything seems to gel quite nicely for a nice casual experience.

Perhaps the best part of Light Fairytale Episode 1 is that we can see the story from both Haru and Kuroko's perspectives, which really helps with the game's cliffhanger ending, that clearly makes me eager to make arrangements to play Episode 2. But before I do that, I would want to take care of the remaining achievements in Episode 1. On a blind play-thru I was able to get 19 of the 29 achievements, but the remaining 10 were not very obvious or straight forward. 

Of course that does mean I did start a third play-thru following the stream to go after many of the achievements I missed, picking up 5 more. The remaining ones I need are focused a round doing 250+ attack and dealing with the stealth mini-game.

Now we did two play-thrus of Light Fairtyale last night, so I do count the game as being finished, and so we messed around some with SoulCalibur on stream to get some footage of that. Did an Arcade run as Ivy, got to 16 with Taki in Extreme Survival and 31 with Maxi in normal Survival. A pretty solid exhibition of a good game.

For the raid we dropped in on SeverOmega who was playing Rock Band 4 over at twitch.tv/severomega!

Light Fairytale Episode 1 Achievements

  • Sneaky: Talked to some NPCs from behind.
  • Childhood friends: Checked the gray duck at the park with Kuroko.
  • Welcome home!: Rested at Haru's place before the fortune teller event.
  • There you are!: Found hiding Kuroko.
  • Ruled by these guys?!: Overheard the station soldiers talking.
  • Out of my way!: Talked to the sprinting scavenger.
  • Scary smile...: Talked to angry Kuroko.
  • 1st win!: Won your 1st battle.
  • Fizzle maniac: Checked the fizzle vending machine before the fortune teller event.
  • Night rider!: Did better than Kuroko's high score.
  • That was close!: Slipped near the cliff.
  • Don't anger me: Reached the fury status during a battle.
  • 100+ HP damage: Did a 100+ single HP damage to an enemy.
  • "Haru? Haru! Haruuu!": Got caught during the stealth minigame.
  • Materialist: Went to the corridor with Miyu's materials.
  • The journey begins: Completed Haru's story.
  • B-bomb?!: Got a bomb from the hiding cat girl.
  • My precious...: Checked the class 3 A.R. goggles before talking to Daisuke.
  • Alternate journey: Completed Kuroko's story. 
  • Dreamer boy: Tried to return to the cliff just after the opening cutscene.
  • A.R beginner: Got used to your A.R. goggles before the 1st battle.
  • Freebie: Rested during the spiders battles.
  • Calculating guy: Got the ground credits in level 1 or 2 after the fortune teller event.
  • Glasses...: Gave back Emiko's credits.

Twitch Clip Links

  1. Scary Smile... that's an achievement
  2. The Heavy Crusher
  3. The Spider Tank!
  4. Ivy vs Inferno
  5. Can we get to 30 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout lasted 31 minutes with Double Combo #2, Advanced Combo #2 and Left-Right Step Combo for an estimated calorie burn of 551 kcal.

Did a quick raid, Deltascape 3.0 last night in Final Fantasy XIV, I've only done it once because, but it's mechancis are so straight forward. Someday I may even try the savage version but yesterday was not that day!

My current XBox achievement streak is now at 19 days, I'm thinking we can get it 21 days with getting any achievements on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.

For tonight's stream, at the time I'm writing this I'm not 100% sure of what we're going to do, but you know I'll be up to something!

So on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!