Monday, May 3, 2021

Today's Notes 5/3/21

Good afternoon everybody,

Last night's stream of Overwatch was a lot of fun, with a mix of Mayhem, Mystery Heroes, Quick Play Classic and Role Queue matches. Picked up three plays of the game as Tracer, and Reinhardt, with the Tracer one happening in a mystery heroes match, so I'm rather pleased with that.Also spent a lot of time playing as Mei last night, mostly because of the new skin she has which has her dressed as a MMA championship fighter, probably the biggest thing noticeable about it is that she's not depicted wearing her glasses and there are certain blemishes noticeable on her face. Big thanks to PandaSweet for joining in on the fun!

Twitch Clip: Thank You For Flying Rein Airways

Twitch Clip: I'm Still Alive!!!!

I went through more stuff last night, finding things that need to be shredded, and came to the realization that I'm going to need probably two short comic book boxes (because they are easier to move than a long box) as well as some protective sleeves for vinyl records that I have. Also as soon as a meat freezer and couch are out of the way I can move a bookcase that is the left of my table to the right, move a side table back to place my PC tower on it and move a filing cabinet in front of that side table for my left lamp and secondary fan.

Officially Added three games to the collection this morning, Star Trek for the PlayStation 3 which is set before Star Trek: Into Darkness. The copy I acquired is still factory sealed, and since I've played the Steam version, we'll probably put this one on a shelf and not crack it open. The other two games are both for the PlayStation 2: Star Trek Shattered Universe and Star Trek Encounters. The copy of Shattered Universe is interesting because apparently the seller got it at some point from a Blockbuster retailer.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 session was indeed streamed, as we had a good long set, with the daily exercise time clocking in at 47 minutes with an additional 22 minutes done with free exercises to make sure I burned 1000 calories with the overall session. You know I like to put in the extra when I know I can go longer than just the 30 minute limit of Tuesdays to Fridays. Also, a viewer, Torvic came in questioning why I was not paying attention to the chat... gee is it because this was an exercise stream and thus from where I stand for it I can't read the chat box to response, plus my focus in on doing the exercises? See it's people like that I just want to smack upside the head and ask 'what is your major malfunction'.

Twitch Clip: 1-2-3-4-5-6!

Tonight stream should be a one night run of Nancy Drew Dossier: Resorting to Danger, it's a point and click hidden item game and if it's anything like Nancy Drew Dossier: Lights Camera Curses which we played last year I'm going to suspect there are quite a few puzzles in it to! We'll more than likely start a bit early for it if possible.

And on that note we'll see you later over on!