Thursday, August 12, 2021

Today's Notes 8/12/21: Slugs of Metal

Good morning everybody,

Last night's stream started off with my just chatting about stuff of interest from work, such as the stuff involving public charter schools, and the big reveal that I now have all three strategy guides for the Xenosaga trilogy, plus the Art of Xenosaga Episode 1. Flipping through them was a big reminder of just how hard the first game of the trilogy was based on what I remember. Still having the strategy guides will be a big help. 

Onto the games we played last night, first up with Metal Slug 3, a game I have played before, but this was the Xbox 360/Arcade version of it. We manage to knock out two achievements and finish the game in about an hour (give or take). It did take over 50 continues, so if this was being played in an actual arcade, at 25 cents per continued, it would have taken over $12.50 to finish the game. 

Metal Slug 3 Achievements

  1. Save President: Save President in the mission.
  2. Mission All Completed: Complete all the missions.

For the next part of the stream, we loaded up Smite, and did three arena matches, using Athena, and happened to get teamed with players who recognized that I was using her Confound ability to pull enemies towards me to be ganged up on. It was pretty cool, hell, I had a ton of assists which was something I pride myself on when using Athena. So that was really cool.

At the 9 PM hour we switched over to The Division where Iceman and I mostly focused on the Underground. Going through the missions that seem to be randomly generated. Since we're playing this casually and going through it to find items, it was a stress free run. And we both managed to get the same achievement too!

Tom Clancy's The Division Achievements

  1. Objectively Experienced:  Complete each of the 6 different mission objectives in the underground.

So with all that said, you can bet we have a lot of clips from last night which I'll list next. 

Something that did come up was Gears of War 3, and when we will play that, because Iceman does have a rotating schedule, so we might try and sync that up with his days off so we could get in full sessions instead of partial ones. So we will get to Gears of War 3, it's just going to end up a floating game where it might bump other things around.

Also when we raided Kalenal's stream ( the subject of Final Fantasy 14 being free to play up to level 60 came up, and know that they play it, Oldish plays it, PandaSweet plays it, it's certainly tempting to consider. My big concern would be where to fir it in, and I could easily just pair it with Star Trek Online to make an MMO night, start with STO then jump to FF14. It is something to consider. 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout lasted 28 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 418 kcal. The exercises for today were Defensive Combo #1, Double Combo #1 and Defensive Combo #2. The progress towards the Karen's Best Friend achievement is now up to 81 out of 100.

Messed around with adding an 'on-screen' chat box where anything typed in the chat will appear on a designated area on the stream. This is will help with adding proof of trolling / spamming done by idiots. Also adjusted the end of stream screen to show credits of anyone who subbed, donated, followed or kicked in bits.

For tonight's stream, with it being Thursday, we'll be playing Star Trek Online to do the endeavor quests before checking out something else from my game library, maybe something from the PlayStation 2 era. We could try to continue Lupin the 3rd: Treasure of The Sorcerer King, or maybe something else completely! Who knows?!

And on that note we'll see you later over on!