Tuesday, May 30, 2023

So Shinjiro Is Basically Apart of SEES for A Cup Of Coffee?

Good morning everyone,

Yesterday was interesting as I had an issue with Amazon, as I caught the delivery person throwing my package over the fence while claiming they put it on my porch by my front door. They said they couldn't open the gate, which was a lie, because I easily opened it. So I called up Amazon directly, used the fact that Amazon delivery personnel take photos to document where they placed packages and thus was able to prove where this package was thrown in relation to where another delivery was placed just four days prior. Got a $10 credit for my trouble, but yeah I was annoyed.

Last night's stream of Persona 3 Portable saw us reach October 4th, and in the context of the came it was the rather abrupt departure of Shinjiro after it was revealed he accidentally killed Ken's mother two years prior to the events of the game. Always thought Ken was weird based on what I saw of him in Persona 3 Dancing in Moonlight and Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, but now having the full context, it makes sense. This entire story beat does lead to Shinjiro being killed and Akihiko finding his conviction to evolve his own Persona into Caesar.

Still, since I was playing P3P, a lot of the attachment I probably should feel when it comes to Shinjiro just isn't there, not to mention I haven't seen any of the cut scenes from the original P3 or event P3:FES, so to me, Shinjiro being killed off comes across as a 'oh that happened'. 

I have managed to get Makoto up to level 50 and with a number of social links done, I can fuse various combinations of Persona to where I can have a fairly over powered line up. And since this play through is blatantly a guided play through, I was able to go in the Fortune & Strength boss fight with a good plan. Granted the gimmick of the wheel of fortune gave be flashbacks to the Shadow Sae fight from Persona 5 Royal.

Also learned from a viewer that Vincent from 'Catherine' makes a bit of a cameo in Persona 3 Portable as he's hanging out in Club Escapade. Since both games are made by Atlas, it's a cool little easter egg, granted Catherine came out years after the original release of Persona 3. 

The plan  for tonight's stream is to continue Persona 3 Portable and see more of the fallout regarding  Ken as well as make out way towards the next big trip into Tartarus, as well as catching up on Social Links I fell behind on. I know I have all the ones that can only be done at night done, the rest are all school related. 

Of course I don't know if we're starting at 6:30 PM Eastern or 9:30 PM Eastern due to work. As soon as I know I'll let you all know!

Persona 3 Portable Achievements

  • Flawless: Max out all social qualities.
  • Special Fusion Expert: Use 4 or more Personas in a special fusion.
  • No More Bets: Defeat the Fortune and Strength.

 For the raid we dropped in on PowerThumbz who was playing Outbreak over at twitch.tv/powerthumbz

I got some writing done on the Mass Effect short story commission, putting in some meta jokes regarding contents I've recently played in the original Mass Effect that is not in the Legendary Edition, as well as Ashley's drastic difference in appearance.

Oh and if you're wondering what was in package, it was several Persona 5 manga, I'm missing volume 4 in the series... hopefully I can track that down.

So on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden