Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Today's Notes 7/14/21: A Party On The Horizon

 Good morning everybody,

Last night's stream was of course focused on Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, and kicked off with Horizon... and imagine my surprise when Miranda Lawson survived it! I clearly did not remember telling her about Kai Leng but it appears I did and so, having Miranda survive it meant we had every possible character available for the Party on the Citadel, and got to hang out with the entire Normandy crew. Which meant there was a hell of a lot going on. Of course the standard moment of the entire stream was Grunt's birthday, there is something great about Grunt explaining why he was being arrested at a noodle house.

Now I did try to shake things up in terms of what I encouraged at the party, but some things I just like so much that I don't want to see the alternative take (such as Shepard siding with Vega in the debate of physical fitness versus biotics, making sure Joker dances with EDI). The one exception is wither to push conflict or friendship between Jack and Miranda because thanks to Kasumi, no matter the option it just comes across as sexual tension. 

Of course with the Citadel party being done, that means the next time we stream Mass Effect: Legendary Edition (which will be on Monday), we'll be wrapping the game up with the two remaining missions, but they are both long missions. The attack on the Cerberus base and then the attack on Earth. Since I'll be taking my time, and so forth we'll stretch everything out as much as possible.

Anyway, we got one achievement last night, and it was tied to completing the Horizon mission.

  1. Well Connected: ME3: Send a warning across the galaxy

And of course we got Twitch Clips, the links will be posted next

Twitch Clip: Shoot it in the Asari!

Twitch Clip: Shepard Calls Her Mom

Twitch Clip: Grunt Leaves The Hospital

Twitch Clip: Explaining "The Island of Doctor Me..." 

Twitch Clip: Grunt Does Not Connect With Wrex!

We added several games to the collection yesterday, first for the PlayStation we added Road Rash 3D, Sammy Sosa High Heat Baseball 2001 & The Incredible Hulk: The Pantheon Saga. Next for the PlayStation 2: George of the Jungle: A Search For The Secret, Cartoon Network Racing, 007 Quantum of Solace, The Spider Wick Chronicles & Dark Angel: Vampire Apocalypse. Yes some of these were really terrible games, but I figure some might be things we can feature on stream.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout lasted 28 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 452 kcal. Like yesterday it was a combination of 1 11+ minute exercise and 2 8+ minutes sets. Didn't do anything extra  this morning. We're now up to 65 out of 100 for the Evan's Best Friend achievement.

For tonight's stream we'll lead off with Power Rangers; Battle For The Grid doing ranked matches, and then we'll team up with Iceman for more nonsense in Tom Clancy's The Division. Now what more can we get out of that game? Well mostly doing missions on hard to chase a couple of achievements

And on that note we'll see you later tongiht over on!